У реченнях змініть час дієслова на Present Perfect. Перекладіть речення на українську мову.
1. The pupils are writing
a dictation. 2. My friend
is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am
learning a poem. 4. She is telling them an interest-
ing story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The wait-
er is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him.
7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking
water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vege-
tables. 10. You are putting the dishes on the table.
11. They are having tea. 12. She is taking the dirty
plates from the table. 13. The children are putting
on their coats. 14. Susan is making a new dress
for her birthday party. 15. She is opening a box of
chocolates. 16. I am buying milk for milk shakes.
17. James is ordering a bottle of apple juice. 18. We
are looking for more CDs with good music.
Everyone hopes that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. We all believe that our problems will be resolved. But correctly say that the future starts today. If we want it to be happy, you now need to do something for this.
In my opinion, in a global sense we are all standing on the threshold of a good future, because our current opportunities are great. We are free themselves can build their lives. Science deepens our knowledge about the world, improved technology, develop means of communication. All this may help to ensure that humanity will solve all the existing problems and build a prosperous future for all.
в наше время очень мало людей которые на подвиги. подвиги это не только то, что делают супер герои. это так же человеческие поступки. например бабушке донести тяжелые сумки маме дома и так далее. если ты попадаешь в беду мало человек согласится тебе так будь героем сам и твори добро. в наше время это редкость. это очень ценится. не стоит делать это для статуса среди друзей. делай это для человечества и станешь героем.