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Trouble will find you off duty, whether you are ready or not.
on feb. 27, 2007, off-duty ogden, utah, police officer ken hammond was having a late valentine's day dinner with his wife in salt lake city's trolley square mall. while hammond and his wife ate, an 18-year-old man entered the mall armed with a handgun and a shotgun and began killing people. hammond took action and engaged the shooter while his wife, a police dispatcher, called 911.
both officer hammond and his wife distinguished themselves and the police profession that evening. but the point i really don't want lost here is that violence came to them, they did not seek it out. trouble finding an officer is typical of off-duty incidents. that's the first thing we must understand in order to prepare ourselves for the unexpected off-duty encounter: they can happen at any time anywhere.
your first consideration is to make sure you clearly understand your department's rules and regulations regarding off-duty carry and off-duty response. you should also have received training on how to conduct yourself (2) during off-duty incidents.
understand the differences between your non-duty status and your off-duty status. here's what i mean. you are not likely to have access to instant communications, body armor, collapsible batons, tasers, handcuffs, or a long gun. and remember,in an off-duty capacity you are not readily identifiable to other people and responding officers as a police officer. also always remember that you have the option of electing not to engage and being the best witness you can be.
tactical response
off-duty you can control when to announce you are a police officer and use the element of surprise to maximum advantage. if you are with your family, get them safely out of the way and get the best possible position for yourself. since you are probably not wearing your protective vest this includes taking advantage of the best cover available to you.
draw your handgun discreetly. a fast draw may be too flashy, alerting not only good guys in the area but also other possible bad guys that you have a gun. stealth is more important than speed. a discreet draw prevents anyone from having advanced notice that you are armed.
when the right time arrives, identify yourself as a police officer. this is important not just for responding officers, but you need to consider that there may be other off-duty or plainclothes officers in the area or an armed security guard. you also need to consider the possibility that there may be a lawfully armed citizen nearby.
having your badge on a neck chain makes a lot of sense to me as it doesn't tie up one hand you may have a better use for', like calling 911 on your cell phone. you can hold it up over your head if you have to, show it to someone behind you, etc., and turn it loose when you need to without having to return it to a belt or stick it in a pocket.

1.выпишите из текста неправильные глаголы (кроме глаголов to be, to have) верхний предел- 5 глаголов, запишите их основные формы (infinitive, past participle) и переведите все эти формы на язык.

2.выпишите из текста по одному предложению в present indefinite, past indefinite и future indefinite и переведите их н язык. напишите эти предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопросы) и отрицательной формах

3.выпишите из текста пять глаголов - сказуемых группы indefinite в страдательном залоге и переведите их.

4.выпишите из текста пять правильных и пять неправильных глаголов (кроме глаголов to be, to have) и образуйте них причастия i и причастия п; переведите полученные причастия на язык.

5.найдите в тексте и переведите на язык предложения, в которых употреблены причастие i и причастие ii вне состава сказуемого. выпишите причастия и определите их функцию в предложении.

6.выпишите из текста предложение с конструкцией there be в любой временной глагольной форме. дайте перевод выбранного вами предложения.

7.найдите в тексте статьи предложения, в которых употреблены модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. выпишите модальные сказуемые и дайте их перевод. переведите одно из найденных предложений на язык.

8.выпишите из текста и переведите на язык два предложения, в которых употреблен инфинитив определите его синтаксическую функцию

9.выпишите из текста и переведите на язык два предложения, в которых употреблен герундий, и определите его синтаксическую функцию в предложениях.

10.выпишите из текста глаголы-сказуемые во временных глагольных формах группы continuous. определите форму каждого сказуемого и дайте их перевод. выпишите одно предложение со сказуемым в глагольной форме continuous и переведите его.

11.выпишите из текста глаголы-сказуемые во временных глагольных формах группы perfect. определите форму каждого сказуемого и дайте их перевод. выпишите одно предложение со сказуемым в глагольной форме perfect и переведите его.


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1.On English lessons we learn a lot of interesting things.

На уроке английского языка мы узнаем много интерес

2.Our English lessons are very cognitive.

Наш уроки английского очень познавательны.

3. The English lessons go off very interestingly and greatly.

Уроки английского проходят очень интересно и замечательно.

4.I want to speak English fluently.

Я хочу свободно говорить по-английски.

5.Our class absolutely adores our English lessons.

Наш класс просто обожает уроки английского.

6.In our class, there are some pupils who knows English very well

В нашем классе есть ученики, кто владеет английский очень хорошо.

7.Our English teacher tells us various stories very interestingly.

Наш учитель по английскому очень интересно рассказывает различные истории.

8.I want to improve my English.

Я хочу улучшить свой английский.

Поставь мне "Лучшее решение", будь добр.

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26.12.2021 08:33
To begin with I*d like to say that every country has its own customs, traditions and holidays. Some of the holidays are celebrated all over the world. Of course, it*s impossible to enumerate all the holidays. But I*d like to tell you about the most important and traditional in Russia. 
     There are two the most popular holidays in Russia: New Year and Christmas. New Year holiday is favourite holiday especially with children. The children believe that presents are sent by Father Frost and Snowmaden. We have the New Year day on 1 January. Before New Year we decorate the New Year tree with illumination and Christmas toys. On the night of 31 December I always stay at home with my parents. At 12 o*clock we say « Happy New Year !» and give presents to each other. 
     Christmas in Russia is celebrated on the 7 of January in the Orthogfs Church and on the 25 of December by Catholics. The holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Whole Bible. The Christmas tree is decorated with Christmas toys, candles, apples and sweets. People wish each other « Merry Christmas!». 
     Easter is a very popular holiday in Russia in memory of reserection of Jesus Christ. Easter has no fixed date. It*s the first Sunday after the 21 March. 
     The Day of Sovereignty of Russia is celebrated on the 12 of June. We have no special way of celebrating it but it is a day of and a national holiday. 
     The 8 of March is the womens* day. On this day men give women flowers and do all domestic work around the house. 
     The first May is a great international worker holiday. On this day people from other countries show their solidarity. 
     9 of May is a victory day is a great holiday. The 9 of May was the happy day for the people of Russia who won the war over fashizm from 1941-1945. It is celebrated with the veterans of the army. 
     Constitutional Day is celebrated of the 12 of December. All the rights and duties of the Russian people are stated in the Constitution. « One of the greatest right is to learn and one of the greatest duties is to defend our countries.
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