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Translate the text Under the doctrine of the separation of powers legislation is regarded as one
of the three main functions of government. Those who have the formal
power to create legislation are known as legislators. Legislation can have
many purposes: to regulate, to authorize, to proscribe, to provide funds, to
sanction, to grant, to declare or to restrict.
The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is the lawmaking
body of the Russian Federation, according to the Constitution of the Russian
Federation, 1993. It consists of the State Duma, which is the lower house,
and the Federation Council, which is the upper house. Both houses are
located in Moscow.
The State Duma has special powers enumerated by the Constitution of
Russia. They are:
 consent to the appointment of the Prime Minister of Russia;
 hearing annual reports from the Government of the Russian
Federation on the results of its work, including issues raised by the State
 deciding the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian
 appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of
 appointment and dismissal of the Chairman and half of the auditors of
the Accounting Chamber;
 appointment and dismissal of the Commissioner for Human Rights,
who shall act according to federal constitutional law;
 announcement of amnesty;
 bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for
his impeachment (requires a two thirds majority).
The State Duma adopts decrees on issues referred to its authority by the
Constitution of the Russian Federation. Decrees of the State Duma are
adopted by a majority of the total number of deputies of the State Duma.
The Federation Council together with the State Duma are charged with
drafting and voting on laws. Special powers of the Federation Council are:
 Approval of changes in borders between subjects of the Russian
 Approval of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on
the introduction of martial law;
 Approval of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on
the introduction of a state of emergency;
 Deciding on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian
Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
 Declaring elections of the President of the Russian Federation;
 Impeachment of the President of the Russian Federation;
 Approving the President's nomination of judges of the Constitutional
Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;
 Approving the President‘s nomination of the Attorney General of the
Russian Federation;
 Appointment of Deputy Chairman and half of the auditors of the
Accounting Chamber.
To pass the law more than half of senators of the Federation Council
must vote for it. When considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths
of the Council‘s votes are required for passage.
All bills must first be considered by the State Duma. Upon adoption by
a majority of the full State Duma membership, a draft law is considered by
the Federation Council, which has fourteen days to place the bill on its
calendar. The Federation Council cannot make amendments to bills passed
by the Duma and can either approve or reject them. If the Federation Council
rejects a bill passed by the State Duma, the two chambers may form a
conciliation commission to work out a compromise version of the
legislation. If the two chambers cannot reach a compromise, or the Duma
insists on passing the 43 bill as it is, the veto of the Federation Council can
be overridden if two thirds of the Duma‘s constitutional composition vote in
favour of the bill. The State Duma and the Federation Council usually meet
separately. Joint sessions are organized when the President of the Russian
Federation delivers his annual address to the Federal Assembly and on some
other very rare occasions.

Показать ответ
22.01.2022 06:13
Last day of summer vacation for a long time i remember. on this day i learned that awarded with the medal "for the salvation of the drowning". and it was so. in the summer i was visiting my grandmother in the village, where i made friends with dima. the day was fine, and we went to the pond to swim. dima was not a good swimmer, and at first kept closer to the shore. but then, looking at me, emboldened and swam away. in the middle he suddenly began to sink. i quickly turned around, with difficulty dragged a comrade back to shore. then i was very scared. but now settled down and very happy that i saved the other.
0,0(0 оценок)
24.05.2020 16:46


the lectures of these professors are interesting.

2. the income of these police officers is quite high.

3. let me take a look at the motor of the car.

4. i did not like the end of the story.

5. i like the pictures of these children.

6. the store manager wants to see you.

7. i did not like the expression on her face.

8. hotel guests gathered at the first

9. this is the umbrella of a woman sitting at that table.

10. i liked the answers of carol and sue.


1. do you know the cause of the accident?

2. this girl’s new dress is beautiful.

3. yesterday's newspaper on the table.

4. do you know the addresses of these people?

5. smith garden - the most beautiful in the town.

6. the leaves of this tree are yellow.

7. i missed the start of the play.

8. do not miss tomorrow's lesson.

9. where are the work of these students?

10. he spoke of last year’s failure.

11. the distance to the mile is not far.

12. the room of ted and bill is cozy.


1. where do you think he can be?

2. is it sunny or rainy today?

3. never say that again, okay?

4. how many families live on this floor? - as far as i know, three.

5. you do not know how much this picture is worth?

6. what kind of person is your new assistant? - he is very responsible and attentive.

7. don't you know his name? - no, i see him for the first time.

8. let's visit him, huh?

9. i wonder if he studies well.

10. whose money is this? why are they here?


1. how long does it take to read this book?

2. which of the teachers has the most interesting lesson? “mrs. slater.”

3. ask them who he is by profession.

4. what does the baby want? - he's thirsty.

5. they don’t have children yet, do they? - well no.

6. do you think the metro station is far from here? “no, very close.”

7. who would you like to dance with?

8. what color is your baby's hair?

9. i wonder which of them is right?

10. now i'm too thin, right?

11. what makes you laugh every time you see him?

12. what do you prefer to eat meat with?

13. what does your new english teacher look like?

14. what do you think she would like to receive as a present for her birthday?

15. who needs help? - to us

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