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Today we'll speak thout Sport. Sport plays an important part English people. All sports are very popular in Britain. The Pritish are proud that many sport
originated in their country and then spread throughout the world
British sports are football, cricket table tennis, lawn tennis, racing and darts. Football is the most popular game in the world. There are two kinds of it in Britain association football (soccer) and rugby. Soocer played almost in all countries remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain Rugby football originated in
Rugby public school In this game players may carry the ball Rugby is played by
teams of 15 men with an oval ball
Golf, one of the most popular sports in Britain, originated in Scotland
Englishmen are fond of cricket. It is played in schools, colleges, universities.
Matches with other countries are held regulary
Cricket is a slow game.
Table tennis originated in England in 1880. But the British players are not lucky in
tennis international championship
Englishmen like all kinds of racing. Horse-racing, motor-car racing, bout-racing,
dog-racing. donkey-racing are very popular in England. The most famous boat. race in
England is between Oxford and Cambridge. It first started in 1820 and has been held
almost every spring since 1836. A lot of people come to watch it.

2. Say if it is true (T) or false (F).
1) Some kinds of sport are very popular in England.
2) Lawn tennis is one of the national British sports.
3) There are not different kinds of football in Britain.
4) There are two teams of fifteen men in rugby.
5) Englishmen hate cricket.
6) People like to watch the game between Oxford and Cambridge.
3. Give the answer to the questions.
1) What are the national British sports?
2) What kinds of football are there in Britain?
3) How many players are there in a rugby team?
4) Is golf one of the most popular sports in Britain?
5) What kinds of racing do Englishmen like?​

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09.05.2020 02:03
My favourite sportsman is Lionel Messi, who is nowadays one of the best footballers and one of the best players of all times! He was the best player in the world in the years 2009-2012.Lionel Messi was born in June 1987 in the city of Rosario, in Argentina. He has two brothers and a sister. Two of his cousins are also footballers. His father's family comes from Italy, but the ancestors moved to Argentina in 1883.Messi stared playing football when he was 5 years old. His father, a factory worker, was his first coach. Messi's grandmother wanted him to become a footballer and she herself brought Lionel to sport club trainings. Later on Lionel often devoted his first goals to her.When the boy was 11 his family moved to Barselona. At 13 Lionel became a member of "Barselona" club team to which he belongs up to now.Lionel Messi is married and has two sons.Together with his team he won a lot of Europian and World Championships.As the best player he was awarded 5 times the prize "The Gold Ball" and one prize "The Diamond Ball". The newspapers wrote: "...His legs are like Maradona's, his speed is like Crowford's and he passes like Ronaldinio"Мой любимый спортсмен - Лионель Месси, который является одним из лучших футболистов современности и одним из лучших игроков всех времен! Он был лучшим игроком в мире в 2009-2012 годах.Лионель Месси родился в июне 1987 года в городе Росарио, в Аргентине. У него есть два брата и сестра. Двое его кузенов также футболисты. Семья его отца родом  из Италии, но предки переехали в Аргентину в 1883 году.Месси начал играть в футбол, когда ему было 5 лет. Его отец, рабочий фабрики, был его первым тренером. Бабушка Месси хотела, чтобы он стал футболистом, и она сама водила Лайонела на спортивные тренировки клуба. Позже Лионель часто посвящал ей свои первые голы.Когда мальчику было 11 лет, его семья переехала в Барселону. В 13 лет Лионель стал членом команды клуба "Барселона", которому он принадлежит до сих пор.Лионель Месси женат и имеет двух сыновей.Вместе со своей командой он выиграл много чемпионатов Европы и мира.Как лучший игрок он был награжден 5 раз премией "Золотой мяч" и призом "Бриллиантовый мяч". Газеты писали: "...его ноги, как у Марадоны, его скорость, как у Кроуфорда и его пассы как у Рональдинио"
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My hero, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, I'll tell you about it now.
Yuri Gagarin was the first cosmonaut in the world. Yuri Alex-eyevich Gagarin was born on the 9th of March, 1934. He was born in the village of Klushino in the Smolensk region.
Yura was an active, brave and curious boy. His father was jack of all trades and he helped his son when Yura made toy planes by hand. But the war began. Yuri Gagarin and his mother, father, brother and sister left their house and had to live in a dug-out. After the war Gagarin's family moved to Gzhatsk. Now it is Gagarin. It was named after the first cosmonaut.
In 1951 Gagarin graduated from a vocational school in Lyubertsy near Moscow.
Yuri Gagarin attended an aeroclub and began to fly when he was a student of a technical secondary school in Saratov.
In 1955 he entered a school for pilots. Then he became a pilot and joined the first group of cosmonauts.
In 1960 Gagarin began to prepare for the flight into space.
On April 12,1961 Yuri Gagarin flew into space and spent 108 minutes there. It was the first time in history that the Russian spaceship "Vostok" with the man on board was in space. After his flight he visited many countries and saw millions of people. Gagarin became a Hero of our country.
He died in 1968, but people always remember the first Russian cosmonaut.
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