- Now then, how can I help you? - И так, чем я могу вам ?
- Well doctor, I'm not feeling very well. I've got these awful pains in my stomach and I haven't been sleeping at all well. - Доктор, я чувствую себя не очень хорошо. У меня ужасные боли в животе. И у меня практически не сплю.
- Do you have any other symptoms? A temperature, for example? - Еще какие-нибудь симптомы есть? Температура, например?
- Well yes, I have had a bit of a high temperature, actually. - Да. Вообщета температура у меня намного выше нормы.
- It looks to me - as if you've got some kind of a stomach infection. - Мне кажеться и вас какая-то кишечная инфекция.
- Oh, have I, doctor? - Что серьезно?
- Yes. Now I'm going to give you these pills. I want you to take two pills three times a day. - Да. Я пропишу вам таблетки. Нужно принимать по две таблетки три раза в день.
Good morning. - Доброе утро.
- Hello, Doctor. - Здравствуйте, доктор.
- Now then, how can I help you? - И так, чем я могу вам ?
- Well doctor, I'm not feeling very well. I've got these awful pains in my stomach and I haven't been sleeping at all well. - Доктор, я чувствую себя не очень хорошо. У меня ужасные боли в животе. И у меня практически не сплю.
- Do you have any other symptoms? A temperature, for example? - Еще какие-нибудь симптомы есть? Температура, например?
- Well yes, I have had a bit of a high temperature, actually. - Да. Вообщета температура у меня намного выше нормы.
- It looks to me - as if you've got some kind of a stomach infection. - Мне кажеться и вас какая-то кишечная инфекция.
- Oh, have I, doctor? - Что серьезно?
- Yes. Now I'm going to give you these pills. I want you to take two pills three times a day. - Да. Я пропишу вам таблетки. Нужно принимать по две таблетки три раза в день.
, доктор .
1. yes, i'm a pupil.
2. i will be a student in 2022.
3. i am human.
4. i am 14 years old.
5. from guerrilla, school number 6.
6. my favorite subjects at school are geography, biology, literature.
7. not.
8. i am still a good student.
9. my best friend at school is nastya, a former classmate.
10. no, she is also a student like me.
11. no, i am not interested in these professions.
12. yes, my school is very big.
13. enough.
14. yes i am trying.
15. i will go to study at the university.
16. no, i will not.
17. partizansk
18. partizansk, this is a small town.
19. partizansk was founded in 1896.
20. in primorsky krai.