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25.01.2021 15:14 •  Английский язык

Text 7 Exercise 1. You will hear the telephone conversation of two young people. While listening choose the correct answer for each question from the three given. 1. Why did Mandy go to Malta? a) she won a lottery b) she got the tour as a Christmas present c) she got the tour as a birthday present 2. How did Mandy travel to Malta? a) by car b) by airplane c) by train 3. Who did Mandy go on holiday with? a) her aunt and uncle b) her parents c) her friends 4. What is the weather like on the island? a) sunny b) rainy c) hot and humid 5. What food do traditional restaurants serve? a) fish and chips b) steaks c) fish and vegetables 6. What is Gozo? a) an island b) a city c) a mountain 7. When is Mandy going home? a) tomorrow b) next week c) next Tuesday SPEECH EXERCISES Exercise 1. Express your own opinion 1. What is the best way for you to relax? 2. When do you usually have a good time? 3. What are you interested in? 4. How does your hobby influence your life style? 5. What do you devote your free time to? 6. How do you usually spend your week-ends? 7. What do you prefer to do during your holidays? 8. Where do you like to “go out”? 9. What kind of sport do you go in for? 10.What activities do you like to take part in? Exercise 2. Speak about a) Your day off. How do you spend your free time? b) What is hobby? What hobbies do you now? What hobbies do you have? c) Sport in our life. Famous kinds of sport in different countries. d) Optional task: How can hobby help you in your life? WRITTEN TASKS. Exercise 1. Write a letter. a) This is a part of Andy’s letter. “... I’m starting to feel unfit! Do you do much exercise? How often do you do exercise? What should I do to get fit? I’m thinking of joining a gym. Is that a good idea? What else would you recommend? Write soon. Love, Andy” b) This is a part of a letter from your English pen friend. “… I can’t wait to come and stay with you next month. We’re going to have such a lot of fun! What do you think the weather will be like? What kind of clothes should I bring with me? How much money do I need? Have you arranged any interesting things for us to do? Let me know! Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Alex” Observe the rules of letter writing. Exercise 2. Comment on the following statement Some people say that hobby can influence your lifestyle. Others don’t agree with it. Express your opinion and give reasons for it. Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. Don’t forget to make a conclusion. Follow the plan: 1. Make a general statement of the problem 2. Give you opinion with arguments for it. 3. Give other people’s opinion and explain why they are not right. 4. Make the conclusion.

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21.06.2021 16:17

The present simple tense usage.

1. Обычное, постоянное действие, происходящее вообще, а не в данный момент. He goes to school. Yes, I speak French.

2. Нынешнее состояние. I am thirsty.

3. Вечные истины. Two by two makes four. The sun sets in the West.

4. События в момент речи с глаголами чувств, восприятий, состояния души или вещей. See, hear, recognise, want, know, understand, include belong, need. Do you understand? I don’t hear you.

5. Будущие события в придаточных предложениях. I will tell him when he comes. I don’t care what he says or what he does. Who comes first will get a prize. I will love you whatever happens. Next time I will do as you say. If, unless, provided that, until, till, as soon as, before, when…

6. Будущие события с глаголами движения и расписания. The match starts at five. The ship sails tomorrow.

7. Действия в настоящий момент в комментариях. Ronaldo shoots and it’s a goal! We mix the sauce and pour it onto the pan.

8. Наравне с будущим временем для описания будущих событий в предложениях, начинающихся с выражений типа. I hope you do well. I assume she doesn’t come.

9. Будущие события при уверенности, что они наступят. Tomorrow is Sunday. He retires next month.

10. Хронология событий. In 1957 the USSR launches its first satellite. Two years later he finishes his research.

11. Приказы, команды. Stop it! Come on!

12. Восклицательные предложения. Here he comes! There goes the bus!

события для оживления повествования. And then Mike comes up to me and slaps me on the back as if we were friends.

14. Заголовки газет и новостей. Princess Diana dies in a car crash. Dollar falls.

события с глаголами речи и восприятия. I hear you are going to move. I forget your name.

 The present continuous tense usage.

1. Действие в данный момент времени. Кроме глаголов не действия: чувств - like, love, prefer, hate; восприятий - feel, understand, agree, know, seem, sound, taste; состояния души - want, wish, need, состояния вещей - belong, contain, include, possess, owe, own.  

2. Действие в текущем отрезке времени. He is learning French this year.

3. Будущие запланированные действия. I am buying a computer tomorrow.

4. При уверенности, что действие должно произойти в будущем. The ship is sailing at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

5. Процесс в придаточных предложениях. If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up.

6. Критически воспринимаемые постоянные действия. He is always getting into trouble.

7. Выражение be going to.

a) Собираться, намереваться. I am going to buy a new car.

b) Похоже, что. It is going to rain.

c) Может произойти. You are going to be fined.

d) Предстоит. He is going to receive a Nobel prize.

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25.01.2020 02:12
English is the language of international communication. Arriving in any country a man who knows the English language, whether it is Japan or Turkey, do not have to explain on the fingers.English is the language of business. All big businessmen wishing to enter the international market just need to speak English at a high level.Knowledge of English gives the opportunity to study in prestigious foreign universities.Most of the interesting and necessary literature, it is in English. The computer translation to which we can refer, as you know, has the ability to distort information and doesn't inform the author's idea in full.Most pages on the Internet with the right information apply in English.All international competitions and conferences are conducted in English.A instructions for the use of any products, whether household appliances, or medicine are written in English.This list is endless, but the most important thing is that knowledge of English is a criterion necessary for a successful career. It is considered that in a few years, working for a prestigious job profiles of candidates without English language skills will not even be considered.


Английский язык является языком международного общения. Приехав в любую страну человеку, который знает английский язык, будь это Япония или Турция, не придется объяснять на пальцах.Английский язык является языком бизнеса. Всем крупным бизнесменам, желающим выйти на международный рынок просто необходимо владеть английским на высоком уровне.Знание английского языка дает возможность обучаться в престижных зарубежных университетах.Большая часть интересной и нужной литературы, он на английском. Компьютерный перевод, на который мы можем сослаться, как известно, имеет свойство искажать информацию и не доносит мысль автора в полном объеме.Большинство страниц в Интернете с нужной информацией обращаться на английском языке.Все международные соревнования и конференции проводятся на английском языке.В инструкции по использованию любой продукции, будь то бытовая техника или Лекарство, написаны на английском языке.Этот список бесконечен, но самое главное, что знание английского языка-критерий, необходимый для успешный карьеры. Считается, что в течение нескольких лет, работая на престижной должности кандидатов без знания английского языка даже не будут рассматриваться.
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