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Test Unit 5
I. Match the words and word combinations with their definitions.
a through train
a sleeper
a return ticket
a direct flight
a smoker
a motel
bed and breakfast
a suite
to check in a hotel
to book a ticket
to check out a hotel

a train/carriage with beds for sleeping through the night
a small hotel that provides a place to sleep for the night and breakfast the next morning for a fixed price.
to arrange in advance to have a ticket.
a set of expensive rooms in a hotel
a train that allows a continuous journey without a necessity to change.
to report one’s arrival to a hotel
a railway carriage where smoking is allowed.
a flight from one point to another without turning aside.
to leave a hotel after paying a bill
a ticket for a trip from one place to another and back again.
a hotel for travelling motorists.

II. Complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences with the appropriate function words (at, in, off, on, out).
I would like you to drop and have a talk with my little son.
Victor is a really good athlete – he hasn’t dropped of the game and has become the winner.
Could you drop me at the corner? I’m meeting my brother there.
I’d been looking for the book for some time when I suddenly dropped it in my local bookshop.
I would like you to drop my jacket the cleaner’s.
Who has dropped of the tournament.
When I returned home yesterday, my younger sister dropped me saying that I had done something to her computer.
On my way home I dropped the post office.
III. Choose the appropriate words to complete the following sentences.
In the suite next to ours an elderly (couple/pair) were having a party.
It was a long (trip/voyage) across the Baltic Sea.
Columbus’s (trips/travels) to Central America have made the sailor famous.
I’d (rather/better) have a cup of coffee than a cup of tea.
All the children (beside/except) Kim agreed to visit the picture gallery. Kim said he had already been there.
You’d (better/rather) stay at home. You are coming down with a cold.
Where is my other (couple/pair) of jeans?
Is any other pupil (besides/except) Tom going to take part in the competition? We should give at least three names.​

Показать ответ
04.08.2021 22:56

Привет Анна,

Вы получили мое последнее письмо? У тебя нет

ответил! Вы (1) ... много пишите, если еще не

есть время - было бы неплохо всего несколько строк. Я (2) ...

сам сегодня много пишу. Я (3) ... мой брат с

его домашняя работа. Он (4) ... много делает, но если я этого не сделаю

ему, он ничего не сделает! Кстати, у меня

есть новости! Но это секрет. Вы (5) ...

скажи кому-нибудь, хорошо? Ты помнишь Дженни?

Ну, она (6) ... иди к завучу

этим утром. Они поймали ее рисование граффити в

школьная площадка. У нее серьезные проблемы.

Думаю, она (7) ... исключена! Ее родители (8) ... вперед

завтра в школу на встречу. я позволю тебе

знаю, что происходит.

С любовью, Сара

1 а) не обязательно

2 а) не мог

3 а) должны

4 а) не обязательно

5 а) нельзя

6 а) должен

7 а) может быть

8 а) должны

б) не должен

б) не могу

б) должен

б) не обязательно

б) нет

б) должны

б) может быть

б) должен

А пока об этом знать незачем. ”


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08.04.2022 15:40

I. 1. Where were you going when I met you in the street yesterday? - I was going to tell the watch­maker that he had forgotten to send my watch. 2. This, however, enabled him to add some ideas which he had omitted in the first copy. 3. They decided lo rebuild the church when they found that the cement used had begun to crumble. 4. He was so ill that he found himself unable to complete the work he had begun. 5. She turned the light back on and lay on the sofa and took up the book she had been reading. 6. His secretary took the paper from the table where he had put it and went out. 7. It was near midnight when they came in from dinner, still laughing at something he had said in the dining-room.8. It was two o'clock. Eliza was suddenly thor­oughly awake. She sat up in her bed and circled her knees with her arms. It was raining, the way it had been raining for days. 9. In his turn Jolyon looked back at his son. He wanted to talk about many things that he had been unable to talk about all these years. 10. She was at the station after all, standing just as he had  imagined, apart from the others. 11. He came back on Saturday, as he had promised. They all were waiting for him in the sitting-room. When he entered, everybody rushed forward to him to embrace and hug him in greeting. 12. The state of his clothes indicated that he had been playing football in the muddy field.  

II. 1. The woman busied herself with cooking, while the man sliced bacon and fired the stove.2. He was up before the sun on the last day. A gale from the west had been blowing all night, making him wakeful. 3. It was a cold, harsh, winter day. There had been snow some hours before, and it lay, not deep, but hard-frozen on the ground. 4. He tried to catch what they were saying but they were too far from him and speaking in very low voices. 5. As the wet twilight deepened, I stopped in a solitary bridle-path, which I had been pursuing an hour or more. 6. He wasn't so much surprised to see me as I had expected. 7. I had gone to bed and fallen asleep when my guardian knocked at the door of my room and begged me to get up directly. 8. I had a wash and brush-up before starting out to go to the luncheon Elliot had invited me to when they rang up from the reception to say that he was below. 9. Mrs Bedwin, who had been listening at the parlour door, hastened into the corridor in a breathless state. 10. Sara had been right in her prediction. Madam Sharon's face was a picture the next morning when she found out that Sara had gone.

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