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25.03.2022 21:11 •  Английский язык


1.There is ___ wonderful small computer in front of me.
a)a; a b)a; the c)the; the d) the; a e) a; ---
f) --- ; a g) --- ; the h) the; --- i) ---;

2.Please be careful. - I ___.
a)be b)will c)do d) am e) am not f)will not g)be not h) do not

3.There ___ a dictionary in the table a minute ago. Where ___ it now?
a)is; was b)was; is c)is; is d) was; was

4.Why ___ so tired?
a)you are b)are you c)you is d) is you e)you aren’t f) aren’t you

5.Last year Quentin ___ 26, so he ___ 27 now.
a)is; was b)was; is c)is; is d) was; was

6.Anton Chekhov ___ in 1904. He ___ a famous Russian writer.
a) died; was b)died; is c)dead; is d) dead; was

7.I see two ___ in the street. What has happened?
a) police b) policeman c) policemen d) policemans

8.Patrick, stop laughing and behave !
a) good b) well c) yourself d) yourself good e) yourself well

9.No news ___ good news.
a) am b) is c) are d) a e) the

10. ___ is ready for the party yet. We need to hurry!
a) nothing b) anything c) everything d) something

11.I’ve got some time, but not ___ .
a) much b) many c) any d) some e) no

12.___ sun is shining brightly in ___ blue sky.
a)a; a b)a; the c)the; the d) the; a e) a; ---
f) --- ; a g) --- ; the h) the; --- i) ---;

13.Open ___ window, please. ___ weather is fine today.
a) a; a b)a; the c) the; the d) the; a e) a; ---
f) --- ; a g) --- ; the h) the; --- i) ---;

14. Is there home?
a) nobody b) anybody c) everybody d) somebody

15. You liked the show, ?
a) don’t you? b) didn’t you? c) haven’t you? d) aren’t you?

16. ___ are you upset?
a) when b) where c) how d) what

17.___ of us does he mean?
a) who b) whom c) what d) which

18. Everything he says is worth listening
a) to b) to him c) about d) that

19.Bessie is a fine cow. ___ gives a lot of milk.
a) it b) he c) she d) which

20.That friend of is always in trouble.
a) you b) your c) yours d) yourself

21. I have not very ___ drinking water left, I’m afraid.
a) many b) much c) a lot of d) less
e) little f) few g) a little h) a little

22.This is my brother.
a) older b) elder c) oldest d) eldest

23.The flowers look fresh, ?
a) doesn’t they? b) don’t they?
c) isn’t it? d) aren’t they?

24.My father me to drive when I ___ 17.
a) teach; am b) teached; was c) teach; was d) taught; was

25.If I thirsty, I some apple juice.
a) was; bought b) am; buy c) was; will buy d) am; will buy
e) will be; will buy

26.Ask them when to a new flat.
a) they move b) do they move c) they will move d) will they move

27. What is this smell? – Something .
a) burns b) is burning c) is burnt d) burnt

28. anything new about him?
a) are you hearing b) do you hear c) did you hear d) have you heard

29.I ___ sorry I ___ the match yesterday.
a) am; miss b) am; missed c) was; missed d) was; miss

30.She a lot when she her exams.
a) was worrying; was taking b) was worrying; took
c) worried; took d) worried; was taking

31. Ann a holiday this year?
a) has Ann had b) does Ann have
c) did Ann have d) was Ann having

32.The doctor an hour ago.
a) is sent for b) was sent for
c) has been sent for d) was sent e) has been sent

33.When I , he already .
a) come; has left b) came; left
c) came; has left d) came; had left

34. you lift this box?
a) can b) may c) must d) should e) need

35. I don’t want to go there, but I
a) can b) may c) must d) should e) need

36. You speak to a prisoner in a foreign language.
a) can not b) may not c) must not d) should not e) need not

37. You look pale. You see the doctor.
a) can b) may c) must d) should e) need

38. I help you with Maths, I’m not good at it
a) can not b) may not c) must not d) should not e) need not

39. She she to the country last weekend.
a) think; will go b) thought; will go c) thought; would go d) think; would go

40.John went to his office in spite of
a) he was ill b) he is ill c) being ill d) ill

41. He pretended .
a) he was sleeping b) he is sleeping c) he has been sleeping d) be sleeping

42. She about it. (должно быть, она забыла)
a) she must forget b) she must have forget
c) she must have forgotten d) she must forgot

43.The police here a minute ago.
a) was b) is c) were d) are

44.After I for some minutes whether to buy a new hat or not, I to another shop.
a) hesitated; went b) hesitated; had gone
c) had hesitated; went d) had hesitated; had gone

45. We made him the truth.
a) say b) tell c) talk d) speak

46. At a very early age, Ginsberg that he a master of the keyboard.
a) revealed; was b) revealed; had been
c) had revealed; had been d) had revealed; was

47. We invited him to join us, but he said he .
a) won’t go b) don’t go c) doesn’t go d) wouldn’t go
e) didn’t go f) hasn’t go g) hasn’t gone

48. All is very interesting.
a) this b) that c) these d) those

49.There are no richer art museums than of St.- Petersburg.
a) this b) that c) these d) those

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15.12.2020 05:40

Dear Brown

People in different countries have different ideas about what is good to eat and what is the best diet for them. So, we live in a country where breakfast is a very rich meal. We have not only roll with butter, jam of honey, but ham or sausage and fried eggs or porridge as well. Tea is taken at breakfast more often than coffee. Well, when I get up in the morning the only thing I can face is a glass of some juice or mineral water, it raises my spirits a bit. Then, several minutes later I have my typical breakfast. A cup of tea with some sandwiches or scrambled eggs with milk.

Lunch is not very popular in our country but when we have some breaks at university called “windows” we have lunch in our university’s canteen, we have a bit of choice there.

The main and the most abundant meal of the day is diner, but as we are students it’s better to call it supper. A full typical dinner comprises soup, a main course and a dessert. My favourite soups are: red beet and mushroom soups. For the main course I typically have some meat or fish, potatoes and vegetables. The most typical meat is a pork or veal chops or chicken. Some other dishes served as appetizers for dinner or for supper are different kinds of salads. According to our tradition, good food should be accompanied by good drink. For dinner or supper people sometimes drink vodka, wine or beer. As for me sometimes I drink vine with my Mum after supper.

As for my eating and drinking habits, I can tell that I’m not into sweets and as most men think that chocolate is nothing else but a kind of sweets. I dislike any kinds of rolls, buns, cakes and pies. But I’m into hot Mexican and Chinese food, hot pizzas, chilly and sushi. On special occasions, my family goes out to eat in clubs and restaurants. I like trying cuisine of different countries. And while being in different countries I always trying their national cuisine. I don’t think I’d like to eat this every day but it’s really good for a change. In the end I should mention that we always should remember that we eat to live but not live to eat.

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08.10.2022 13:32

UK service sector, however, has grown substantially, and now accounts for about 73% of GDP. The service sector dominated by financial services, especially in banking and insurance. London - the world's largest financial center with the London Stock Exchange, the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, and Lloyd Londoninsurance market all based in the City of London. London - the main center of international business and commerce and is the leader of the three "command centers" of the world economy (along with New York and Tokyo). It has the largest concentration of foreign bank branches in the world. In the past decade, a rival financial center in London, grew up in the Docklands area, with HSBC, the world's largest bank, and the Bank Barclays, moved their head offices there. Many multinational companies that are not primarily located in the UK, wanted to put their European headquarters or headquarters in London, rest of the world: an example - the U.S. financial services firm Citigroup. The Scottish capital, Edinburgh, is one of the major financial centers in Europe and is the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, one of the world's largest banks.

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