TASK 1. Read the text and choose True or False
Antarctica is the coldest and windiest place on
Earth. It is bigger than the USA! There's a lot of ice
in Antarctica There are rivers and lakes. There's
even an active volcano, Mount Erebus. Penguins
and blue whales live in Antarctica. Antarctica is
dark twenty-four hours a day in winter. Winter in
Antarctica is from March to August. Summer is
from September to February, when it is light all the
1) Antarctica is the coldest place.
Проказа была распространена на протяжении сотен лет. Эта болезнь не контролировалась медицинскими средствами.Больные жили в специальных колониях от других людей.
Это был очень важный шаг вперед в области общественного здравоохранения в течение этого периода.
Durind чума Средневековья унесла жизни многих миллионов людей в Европе.
В 1384-х 'Черная смерть' 'ударил (Великобритания)поразила; никто не знал, как бороться с этим заболеванием.Врачи советуют людям убежать от пострадавших () районахпораженные. Все согласились, что язва от него быланаказанием бога (божья кора) за грехи (грех) мужчин.
Kazakhstan gained independence some twenty years ago, when the Soviet Union collapsed. But Kazakhstan's national culture many centuries ago began to create Kazakh nomads, who performed most of his life in the saddle. Boundless steppes and semi-deserts, overgrown fescue, feather grass, sagebrush tirsikom and became their only wealth.
Now our country is inhabited by people of different cultures: the Kazakhs, Russian, Uzbeks, Ukrainians, Uighurs, Tatars and others. Every resident of Kazakhstan know Kazakh language - is the language of the Kazakh nation. It is also recognized as an official language of Russian as a language of international communication. People in Kazakhstan live free and not crowded. There are a lot of land, and the people they represent little.
Most people in Kazakhstan live together, realizing that it is our common homeland. No wonder on May 1 in the country celebrates the Day of Unity of People of Kazakhstan, and the Christian Christmas and the Islamic Kurban Ait together are public holidays. But there are also those who do not understand, and creates conflicts over religion or nationality.
Although the climate in our country is considered to be dry and not very gentle to humans, Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources. Even in Kazakhstan is the famous "space city" Baikonur, from where to start in the Russian space rocket. This unique state like Kazakhstan, is no longer anywhere in the world!