Текст буквами one of the oldest names in donetsk - yuzivka known to many . donetsk yuzivka began in 1961 , but this time in the soviet capital miners wore the infamous stalin . the history of this city is connected with the miner nerazravno affair. coal, its huge deposits , brought to life mining, has become the symbol of this place, as the word donbass . the old city was yuzivka (most town ) single mansions control shafts ( owners lived in capitals ) - and the whole array of slums and huts . there just lived and those who created the glory yuzovka , miner weight . however, by the end of xix - beginning of xx century the town began to turn in the city , green parks and gardens , squares and streets. in soviet times, became the capital of donetsk officials from mining, it opened high schools and even a university, still exists today . today it is a city - million of striking green parks and accuracy neighborhoods, possessing all the attributes of the metropolis.well, for all those interested in this beautiful city