Task Look at the table below. Read the name of the ittivity, brainstorm ideas for the possible dangers and risks. Write a paragraph, answering the question why you do not want/want to do it. Fill in the table. Number 1 is done for you. Learners work individually, they fill the table in and write down a short paragraph using the adverbs worse, more carefully, less, more, sooner, better. Learners exchange the works and do proofreading. Learners are allowed to make corrections, expressing likes and dislikes. Name of the activity 1. SNOWBOARDING
Danger/Risk: Fall down, break legs and arms, bump into other people, Quiet risky Rather unsafe
Why I don't want to do it: Too dangerous Not enough safe hurt yourself.
I really love spending time with my family. Unfortunately, this does not happen as often as we would like, but in the evenings we try to come together. This is an amazing time. I wait for these minutes all day long. When the lessons are learned the next day, we gather in the living room at a round table, share news, impressions for the day.
Я очень люблю проводить время со своей семьей. К сожалению, это получается не так часто, как хотелось бы, но по вечерам мы стараемся собраться все вместе. Это удивительное время. Этих минут я жду в течение всего дня. Когда уроки на следующий день выучены, мы собираемся в гостиной за круглым столом, делимся новостями, впечатлениями за день.