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15.08.2022 19:28 •  Английский язык

Task 7. choose the right option. a) which of the several meanings does the underlined verb have? he went on composing music till his eighties. a- continued b- attacked c- succeeded d- chose b) which of the several meanings does the underlined verb have? she was so suspicious that she used to go through his pockets every night. a- use b- complain c- check d- remove c) which answer fits the following question? when does your alarm clock usually go off? a- a bit of a fight, i think. b- from time to time. c- from a doting aunt. d- seven thirty, normally. task 8. open the brackets and put the verbs into past simple or past perfect. 1. i (to know) that my friend (not to come) yet. 2. when i (to wake up) yesterday, father already (to go) to work. 3. tom (to think) that his father (not to come) home yet. 4. mary (to tell) us that she (to cook) a good dinner. 5. yesterday i (to find) the book which i (to lose) in summer. 6. when father (to return) from work, we already (to do) our homework. 7. kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before. 8. nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw). 9. the boy (to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the field. 10. when we (to come) to the station, the train (not to leave) yet. task 9. answer the following questions. 1. who works on a bus? 2. who works in a school? 3. who writes books? 4. who works in a hospital? 5. who works in a restaurant? 6. who works with the doctor? 7. who repairs cars? буду

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27.04.2022 03:47
Kate; what do you think about fashion ?
Marina; I love to dress stylishly , and always dressed in fashion.
Kate;how will you know that now stylishly and which color in fashion?
Marina;I read magazines , sometimes I watch on the Internet ,but the most interesting thing go go boutiques
Kate;What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
Магіпа: I like sport clothing because it is very comfortable
kate;And as you go to school you allow them to go into sports, or you form
marina;No to сожилению we are not allowed to walk in the sports we have a strict form , I go in a skirt and blouse jacket
Kate;What else you have in addition to sports clothing, certainly in your wardrobe there is another kind of service
Marina;Yes in my wardrobe is jeans ,tops, skirts ,dresses but mostly I wear sports
Kate:who you're shopping for groceries?
Marina;I always go with my mother, she tells me what to wear and what's more beautiful
Kate;Your mother too well versed in fashion and clothes just as stylish as you are ?
Marina;Yea my mom loves fancy things and she is well dressed we have things in common
Kate;As I understand you love the things you dress up fashion and you have good taste
Marina;Yes Yes all right
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04.03.2020 21:01
1. What do teenagers expect from their education? Are there any concern about it? Often, young people don't think about their future education. They just go to school to communicate with their friends and because their parents make them go to school. Each teenager believes that they will get such education, which they want to. That is why they often don't study hard. Many of them think that their parents can solve all their problems. Although there are other teenagers, who are serious, intelligent and responsible. They study hard and dream of their future profession.
Что ожидают подростки от своего образования? Есть ли какие-то беспокойства по этому поводу? Чаще всего подростки не задумываются о своем будущем образовании. Они просто ходят в школу, чтобы общаться с друзьями и потому что их заставляют ходить в школу родители. Каждый подрост считает, что он получит такой образование, которое захочет. Вот почему они не особенно усердно учатся. Многим из них кажется, что их родители решать все проблемы. Хотя есть, конечно, и другие подростки, серьезные, умные и очень ответственные. Они усердно учатся и имеют определенную мечту о своей будущей профессии. 

2. How do teenagers organize their time? As teenagers in all countries they enjoy going out, walking with their friends in the park or spending time in musical clubs. They want to be independent from their parents and other adults. They understand that learning is necessary for their life, but it's so boring. Of course, they go to school and try to be obedient, but not always. They want to get dressed up and have a little bit of pocket money. Young people can not live in isolation. They are looking for dialogue, want to have fun and a good time. That's why the majority of young people are trying to make friends and join the big companies in various youth groups. Some of these groups are engaged in research, compose and perform music, go to the mountains, exploring the past of our country studying the past of our country and take care of veterans.This is great! But there are youth groups that choose to use alcohol and drugs, they are promoting hatred, violence and racial hostility. This is a bad group.Young people are very hard to choose because they lack life experience. That's why young people need to listen to the views of parents and teachers. I will never enter into the group that ruin my life and health.

Каким образом подростки организовывают свое время?Как и подростки во всех странах они любят проводить время вне дома, прогуливаясь с друзьями в парке или проводя время в музыкальных клубах. Им хочется быть независимыми от родителей и других взрослых людей. Они понимают, что учиться необходимо, но это так скучно. Конечно, они ходят в школу и стараются быть послушными, но не всегда. Им очень хочется красиво одеваться и иметь побольше карманных денег. Молодежь не может жить в одиночестве. Они ищут общения, хотят веселиться и хорошо проводить время. Вот почему большинство молодых людей стараются дружить большими компаниями и вступать в разные молодежные группы. Некоторые такие группы занимаются научными исследованиями, сочиняют и исполняют музыкальные произведения, ходят в горы, изучают нашей страны, заботятся о ветеранах. Это здорово! Но есть такие молодежные группы, которые предпочитают употреблять алкоголь и наркотики, они пропагандируют ненависть, насилие и расовую неприязнь. Это плохие группы. Молодым людям очень трудно сделать выбор, потому что у них не хватает жизненного опыта. Вот почему подросткам необходимо прислушиваться к мнению родителей и учителей. Я никогда не вступлю в группу, которая испортит мне жизнь и здоровье.
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