Task 2 Read the clues and complete the crossword. Usedigital or paper definition dictionary if you are not sure in meaning of some words. Across
2 You can find this in milk andcheese. It’s good for yourbones and teeth.
4 This is an amount of foodwe eat.
7 You can find this in bread,pasta and rice.
9 A, B, C, D, E and K are alltypes of these.
10 These are a kind ofvegetable with a lot ofprotein.
11 Butter has got lots of this.
1 This is a unit of measurement telling us how much energy we get from food. Cakes and sweets contain a lot of these.
3You can find these, with vitamins, in fruitsand vegetables. Iron is an example
5 This is the part of fruit and vegetable that our bodies cannot digest. It helps to keep our intestine healthy.
6 This can be found in meat, fish and eggs.
8 When you are strong and not ill you are this