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05.06.2020 12:11 •  Английский язык

Task 1. Use Future Continuous or Future Simple to open the brackets 1. I ... (send) you a postcard from Spain.
2. She ... (stay) at Sunrise Hotel if you need her.
3. Miss Richards ... (attend) a lecture from 2 till 5 p.m. today.
4. We ... (wash) those dirty dishes when we come home from work.
5. I know that Jerry ... (stand) on the platform and ... (wave) his hand when our train arrives.
6. Your dress ... (be) ready in half an hour.
7. The New Year ... (start) at midnight.
8. He ... (not return) to that island anymore.
9. Sandra ... (enjoy) her vacation in a ski-resort at this time next year.
10. I ... (not work) in the library tomorrow evening.
Task 2. Write sentences using the verb in the correct form
1. Sue/to do/homework/at 5 o’clock/tomorrow.
2. We/to sunbathe/from 9 to 12 o’clock/tomorrow morning.
3. Nick and Jack/to drive/to Berlin/at this time/next Monday.
4. You/to have/a conference/from 3 to 5 o’clock/tomorrow.
5. My cousin/ to practise/in the gym/at 7 o’clock/tomorrow evening.
6. Nelly and Diana/to rest/in Hawaii/at this time/next week.
7. We/to dance/at the party/all the evening/tomorrow.
8. Kate/to visit/ her grandparents/all day/next Saturday.
9. They/to prepare/ to the wedding party/all next week.
10. I/to travel/around Canada/for two weeks/next month.

Task 3. Put the verbs in the brackets in Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. I English exercises twice a week. (to write)
2. My friend his homework in the afternoon as a rule. (to do)
3. My sister her homework now. (to do)
4. Don’t shout! The baby . (to sleep)
5. The baby always after dinner. (to sleep)
6. What you now? (to read)
7. What books youfor your literature lessons? (to read)
8. What your mother usually for lunch? (to cook)
9. she a cake now? (to cook)
10. — (You, to see) that man over there? — Which man? The man in the brown jacket? — No, I (to talk) about the man who (to wear) the blue shirt. — Oh, that man!— (You, to know) him? — No, I ( not to think) so. — I (to know, not) him either.
Task 4. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. My wife normally (work) at home, but she (spend) this month in Italy.
2. Most days, Tom usually (cycle) to work.
3. When the lesson (start) today?
4. What’s your brother doing? He (do) the crossword in the newspaper He (do) it every day.
5. I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. I (play) very badly. I usually much better (play).
6. What’s she doing? — She (mend) her husband’s socks. She always them. (mend)
7. Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I (use) it a lot, but I (not / use) it now.
8. We (not travel) by train very often.
9. She (be) particularly generous this week.
10. It (snow) right now. It’s beautiful! I (like) this weather.
Task 5. Use the verbs in Present Continuous or Present Simple
1. The river (flow) very fast today — faster than usual.
2. You (always to complain) that waiters are rude!
3. I (walk) to school every day. I (take, not) the bus.
4. You (always to borrow) money!
5. That’s worrying because the number of people without job (increase).
6. Robert is a vegetarian. He (eat, not) meat.
7. (you, cook) your own dinner every day?
8. Holidays abroad (become) increasingly popular.
9. Are you in a hurry? — No, I (walk) quickly because I’m cold.
10. Where’s your father? — He (be) in the bathroom. He (shave).
11. The neighbours forever (slam) doors and (shout) during the night.
12. My sister (to take) part in the competitions almost every weekend.

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26.03.2023 07:55

Мастер (1515)


The city of Kazakhstan - Karaganda. City KazahstanaKaraganda in Kazakh means "the area where the yellow acacia grows." The town was founded in the middle of the XIX century as a small settlement of Karaganda mines. But the most important development in the city was 20-30-40 during the last century.

With the construction of coal mines in the area, which are built around the villages, formed by the city in a district that connect highways. The new development was the city with the construction and commissioning of the Irtysh-Karaganda canal.

Today Karaganda - green, a beautiful city with a developed infrastructure, but the citizens of the city will never forget that the city built the political prisoners that should never happen again. Modern Karaganda - industrial, cultural, cosmopolitan city.

Its doors to visitors and tourists of the city offer comfortable hotel "The Seagull", "Astronaut," "Constellation" and others. The hotel Constellation is an international center for billiard, which has repeatedly held competitions in the game. Recreation and entertainment in Karaganda for every taste.

In restaurants and cafes you can taste delicious dishes of Kazakh cuisine. In the city the tourists and guests can enjoy the fitness centers, sports clubs, saunas, tennis courts, visitors can relax in the Aqua Park. Another interesting ethnographic park of the city. Karaganda is rich in cultural events. In the concert hall "Shalkyma" act known artists from around the world. Of interest to visitors and tourists of the city museums, exhibition halls and theaters. In Karaganda, there is one of the oldest zoos in the country.

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08.04.2022 19:37

It is important for any of us to find our place in this world, to live and work and feel a part of a modern and progressive society. From the very childhood our parents teach us to study at school well, to get only good notes in order to go after that to a college and become a good specialist in some area. And it is actually a right way of thinking, as our job determines our living and personal character. That is why it is so important to choose an area of activity that would fit perfectly to you.

My perfect place of activity would be at some large industrial company, producing electrical part s for automobiles. I would work on planning how many people does a factory needs, which and how many equipments would be involved in the production process. I find this interesting to work in a big company dealing with big number of employees and having many production processes. I would like to be in the center of any problem resolving and take part in administration meetings where they discuss different problems and claims.Of course it would be better if I would be a leader of a department, like a technical one. I would administrate different activities of employees, engage people and take part in their personal and professional development. I think it is interesting to be leader of a certain community of people, although it supposes big responsibility and much work. A good leader must be confident in making decisions and at the same time good and loyal to people he is responsible for.  In any group of people sometimes conflicts happen and the main goal of a leader is to resolve them without hurting someone seriously. It takes time to become an experienced and wise leader, but I think I am ready to go in this direction and develop myself and prepare myself to be best leader ever.Перевод

Смотрите: диалог: собеседование при приеме на работу

Для каждого из нас очень важно найти свое место в мире, жить и работать и чувствовать себя частью современного и прогрессивного общества. С самого детства родители учат нас хорошо учиться в школе , получать хорошие оценки, для того чтобы стать хорошим специалистов в какой-о области. И это вообще-то хороший образ мышления, так как наша работа определяет нашу жизнь и личный характер. Поэтому это так важно выбрать подходящую область деятельности, которая идеально вам подойдет.

Мое идеальное место работы было бы в какой-то большой промышленной компании, производящей электрические запчасти для автомобилей. Я бы работал над планированием того, сколько людей нужно фабрике, какого и сколько оборудования должно быть задействовано в производственный процесс. Я нахожу это интересным работать в большой компании, имеющей дело с множеством рабочих, вовлеченных в большое количество производственных процессов. Я бы хотел быть в центре решения проблем и принимать участие в совещаниях администрации, где обсуждаются многие проблемы и жалобы.Конечно, было бы лучше, если бы я был руководителем какого-то отдела, например технического. Я бы управлял разной деятельностью рабочих, нанимал бы людей, принимал участие в их личном и профессиональном росте. Я думаю, что это очень интересно быть лидером какого-то сообщества людей, хотя это предполагает большую ответственность и много труда. Хороший руководитель должен быть уверенным в принятии решений и в то же время хорошим и лояльным по отношению к людям, за которых он в ответе. В любой группе людей иногда случаются конфликты, и главная задача лидера разрешить их без того, чтобы кого-то серьезно обидеть. Чтобы стать опытным и мудрым руководителем нужно время, но я готов идти в этом направлении, развиваться и готовиться для того чтобы быть самым лучшим.

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