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15.05.2022 09:35 •  Английский язык

Task 1. Reading. Read this passage and do the exercise below.

Native Americans

The first people to live in a land are called indigenous peoples. Sometimes these peoples are referred to as Indians or American Indians. This is because when Columbus had first landed in America, he thought he had sailed all the way to the country of India.

Native Americans lived throughout North and South America. In the United States there were Native Americans in Alaska, Hawaii, and the mainland of the United States. In the middle of the country lived the Plains Indians, including tribes such as the Comanche and Arapaho. In the Southeast area of the country lived tribes such as the Cherokee and the Seminole.

The Native Americans were grouped into tribes or nations usually based on the area they lived in and their culture such as their religion, customs, and language. There were hundreds of tribes throughout the United States when Columbus first arrived. Many of them are well known such as the Cherokee, Apache, and the Navajo.

Exercise 1: Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? Write true or false.

1. American Indians were the first people to live in the USA.

2. Apache is a Native American Tribe.

3. Hawaii had a number of Native Americans.

4. Cherokee lived in the Northern area of the country.

5. Columbus thought that the country was called India.

Task 2. Dialogue.

Put the dialogue in order. Number the sentences.

Sue Could you swim when you were seven?

Sue Jim, can you swim?

Sue No, I can’t.

Jim No, I couldn’t.

Sue Could you play the guitar when you were seven?

Jim Yes, I could.

Jim Yes, I can.

Jim No, and I couldn’t play it when I was five but I can play it now. I’m very good. Can you play the guitar? Sue Could you swim when you were five?

Task 3. Grammar.

Fill in the blanks with could, can, couldn't, can't.

1. We choose our opponents. The teams will be matched randomly.

2. Adan and her mother open the door because it was locked.

3. Mary tried hard to persuade her friend but she change her mind.

4. you swim when you were 10?

5. He's amazing, he speak five languages, including Chinese.

Task 4. Writing.

Write about the main character in the book you have just read.

Descriptor A learner

• writes grammatically correct sentences;

• uses different grammar structures accurately;

• answers the questions.

1. Title of the book and author:

2.Who was the main character in the story?

3. What did the main character look like?

4. What problems did the main character have? How did the main character solve his or her problem(s)?

5. Would you have solved the problem differently? How?

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07.11.2022 17:20

                                                  My Room

We live in a three-room flat. One of the rooms is mine.

My room isn't very large but it is light and cosy. Its walls are light-green. There is a window and a balcony in my room. To the right of the window there is a desk where I do my homework. On the desk there is a handy lamp and my laptop. Above the desk there are two bookshelves where I keep my textbooks. Under the shelves on the wall there is a map of the world. I put the map there last year in order to study for a map quiz. On the opposite wall there is a large poster featuring Marvel's Avengers.

I sleep on my bed which is next to the desk. The bed is covered with a colourful blanket. To the left of the balcony door there is a comfortable armchair. I like to sit in it when reading books or playing games on my phone. There is a sliding door wardrobe in the corner of the room.

The floor of my room is covered with a neutral-coloured carpet.

I like my room very much.

                                                     Моя комната

Мы живем в трехкомнатной квартире. Одна из комнат моя.

Моя комната не очень большая, но она светлая и уютная. Стены в ней светло-зеленые. В комнате есть окно и балкон. Справа от окна стоит стол, где я делаю домашнее задание. На столе удобная лампа и мой ноутбук. Над столом две книжные полки, где я храню свои учебники. Под полками на стене висит карта мира. Я повесил(а) карту в году, чтобы готовиться к викторине. На противоположной стене висит большой плакат с изображением Мстителей Марвел.

Я сплю на кровати, которая стоит рядом со столом. Кровать покрыта разноцветным одеялом. Слева от балконной двери стоит удобное кресло. Мне нравится сидеть в нем, когда я читаю книги или играю в игры на своем телефоне. В углу комнаты есть шкаф-купе.

Пол комнаты покрыт ковром нейтральных цветов.

Мне очень нравится моя комната.

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16.06.2020 14:11
Только русскими могу
Грэйт британ (офишиал нэйм-зе юнайтед кингдом оф грэёт британ энд нозерн аирлэнд) ис ситуэйтэд он ту лардж айлэндс, зе ларгет оф выч ис грэйт британ, зе смаллер ис аирлэнд. Ин адишшион ту зыс ту айландс грэйт британ инклаудс овер файв хандред смол айландс, Зе тотал ариа оф грэйт британ ис240,000( тухангрэт фоты энд зиро зиро зиро) сикуэйд киломитэрс, итс популэйшон ис 56,000,000 пьюпл. Ин зе норс-вэст энд вэст зе коунтри ис вошед бай зе атлэнтик оушен энд зе айриш сиа, иннд зе ист-бай зе норс сиа. Зе айланд оф грэйт британ ис сепарэйтэд фром фрэнс бай зе инглиш ченэл. Норсен аирлэнд, выч ис э парт оф грэйт британ энд выч ис ситуэйтэд он зе айлэнд оф аирлэнд, ис сепарэйтэд фром грэйт британ бай зе норс ченэл. Зе айлэнд оф грэйт британ ис дивайдед инто ту партс: моунтайнорс (ин зе норс энд вэст оф зе айлэнд) энд лайлэнд (ин зе саус энд ист). Зера ноу веры лонг риверс ин грэйт британ. Зе мост импортэнт риверс азе зэймс (зе дипэст) энд зе северн (зе лонгест). Зе риверс селдом фриз ин винтер. Ду ту модерэйшинг инфлуенсоф зе сиа грэйт британ хэс эн инсулар климэйт, рэйзер хамид энд милд, визаут страйкинг дистрепанси бетвин сизонс.
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