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19.08.2021 05:54 •  Английский язык

Task 1. Read these statements & say which of them unite the members of the family & make them friendly, strong unit & which do not unite.
Translate it.
1. Going on trips together.
2. Discussing all the family plans together.
3. Visiting museums, theatres, exhibitions & exchang opinions about them.
4. Showing no interest in what the others like.
5. Helping each other in everything.
6. Remaining indifferent to what happens to the other members of the family.
7. Sharing the same joys & troubles.
8. Being on good terms with all your relatives.
9. Running household & managing family budget together.
10. Showing our love, kind-heartedness attention in everyday life.
11. Being no place for selfishness together.
12. Creating the family happiness together.
13. Understanding & consideration for others are very important in family
14. Keeping your granny's birthday I inviting all your relatives on your mother's
& farther's side.
task 2. You are to make reports about the family happiness, using the
statements & questions of this lesson. Переклад: Завдання 1. Прочитайте ці твердження і скажіть, які з них об’єднують членів
сім'я і роблять їх дружними, сильними одиницями і які не об'єднуються.
Переклади це.
1. Вирушаючи у поїздки разом.
2. Обговорення всіх сімейних планів разом.
3. Відвідування музеїв, театрів, виставок та обмін думками про них.
4. Не виявляючи інтересу до того, що подобається іншим.
5. Допомагати один одному у всьому.
6. Залишаючись байдужими до того, що відбувається з іншими членами сім’ї.
7. Спільне використання тих самих радощів та неприємностей.
8. Бути в добрих стосунках з усіма своїми родичами.
9. Ведення домашнього господарства та спільне управління сімейним бюджетом.
10. Виявляючи свою любов, доброзичливість у повсякденному житті.
11. Не будучи місцем для егоїзму разом.
12. Створення сімейного щастя разом.
13. Розуміння та увага до інших дуже важливі в сім’ї
14. Зберігаючи день народження вашої бабусі, я за всіх ваших родичів на день вашої матері
& далі сторони.
Завдання 2. Ви повинні зробити звіти про сімейне щастя, використовуючи
висловлювання та запитання цього уроку.

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05.01.2020 08:13

Isaac Newton

Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times was born in 1642 in the little village in Lincolnshire, England. His father was a farmer and died before Newton was born. His mother was a clever woman whom he always loved.

After the school, Newton studied mathematics at Cambridge university and received his degree in 1665. Then the university was closed because of the danger of plague and Newton went home for eighteen months. It was most important period in his life when he made his three great discoveries — the discoveries of the differential calculuses, of the nature of white light, and of the law of gravitation.

These discoveries are still important for the modern science. Newton had always been interested in the problems of light. Many people saw colours of a rainbow but only Newton showed, by his experiments, that white light consists of these colours.

It is interesting how he discovered the law gravitation. Once, as he sat at the garden, his attention was drawn by the fall of an apple. Many people saw such an usual thing before.

But it was Newton who asked himself a question: "Why does that apple fall perpendicularly to the ground? Why doesn't it go sidewards or upwards?" The answer to this question was the theory of gravitation, discovered by Newton.

Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where his monument stands today.


Исаак Ньютон

Ньютон, один из величайших ученых всех времен, родился в 1642 году в маленькой деревеньке в графстве, Линкольншир в Англии. Его отец был фермером и умер, прежде чем родился Ньютон. Его мать была умной женщиной, которую он всегда любил.

После школы Ньютон изучал математику в Кембриджском университете и в 1665 году получил ученую степень. Затем университет закрылся из-за угрозы чумы, и Ньютон уехал домой на полтора года. Это был самый важный период в его жизни, когда он сделал три великих открытия — открытие дифференциального исчисления, природы белого света и закона всемирного тяготения.

Эти открытия все еще важны для современной науки. Ньютон всегда интересовался проблемами света. Многие видели цвета радуги, но только Ньютон в результате своих экспериментов доказал, что белый свет состоит из этих цветов.

Любопытно то, как он открыл закон всемирного тяготения. Однажды, когда он сидел в саду, его внимание привлекло падение яблока. Многие люди видели это обыкновенное явление прежде.

Но именно Ньютон спросил себя: "Почему яблоко падает перпендикулярно земле? Почему оно не летит в сторону или вверх?" ответом на этот вопрос стала теория гравитации.

Ньютон умер в возрасте 84 лет и был похоронен в Вестминстерском аббатстве, где и находится сейчас памятник в его честь

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19.06.2020 07:10
Summer is the best season of the year for me. I like it due to the warm weather, sun shining and singing of birds. I have waited for this summer holidays with the great impatience. My school days were very difficult this year, so I wanted only one thing – to have a nice rest this summer.

Well I decided to spend my best days in a village at my grandparents. My grandmother and grandfather live far from my city, so I visit them very seldom. I went to my village by train. It was very comfortable and of course there I acquainted with a boy. His relatives also live in that village as my.

Well, when I came I was met by my grandparents, I was very happy to see them. We came home and I unpacked my suitcase. In the evening we have very tasty supper and talked about the last news of our life.

There I have an active rest. Every day I got up early in the morning, took shower, have a breakfast and worked with my grandma in a garden. We took care of vegetables, I liked watered our plants such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage.

Also, I want to say, I liked to take care of our animals, especially hens, ducks, pigs and cow. It was interesting to see how they eat. We have a lot of work every day, that’s why the days passed very quickly.

I want to add that I liked to play with our dog, it is very smart, so it was a pleasure to spend my time with it. One day I have met my new friend with whom I acquainted in a train. He told me about his life in a village and we decided to go to the forest.

Next day I together with my grandfather and my friend went to pick up mushrooms. Also there we have found a lot of berries. On the way to home we saw the lake and decided to swim. The weather was fine, so the water was warm. When we came home my granny prepared dinner for us. In the evening I sat with my grandparents in the yard and read a book.

I was in a village one month. Unfortunately these days are ended and I have good memories. I hope that next summer I will visit my relatives again. I miss them very much.
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