Task 1 Read the text
Мой район.Место, куда я люблю возвращаться.
Привет, друзья мои. Меня зовут Нурали. Я живу на окраине Алматы в многоквартирном доме. Это
серый 12-этажный дом. Наша квартира находится на втором этаже. Я живу с родителями, моей младшей сестрой
и собака, которую зовут Лаки. Это трехкомнатная квартира, довольно удобная. Он выходит на юг, так оно и есть
часто солнечно и светло. Мне нравится место, где я живу. В моем районе можно найти все что угодно
вам понадобятся: супермаркет, больница, два кинотеатра, несколько школ и детских садов, детский садик и т.д.
фитнес-центр и 2 библиотеки. Все находится довольно близко ко мне и легко добраться всегда на месте
- рука! Транспортная система в моем районе достаточно развита. Но иногда и общественный транспорт
does not come on time. Usually it takes me about 45-50 minutes to get here from the centre of
Almaty by underground. It is a bit far, I would say. What is more, the traffic is
heavy in the rush hours and we lack parking places. Also there is no park to take my dog for a
walk. Unfortunately all my friends live downtown, so we can meet only at weekends. IT is a new
district, there are no buildings of historical or architectural interest.
1 . Circle the correct answer.
1 What kind of color is Nurali's house?
A) Brown
B) Grey
C) White
D) Yellow
2 How does Nurali go to the center?
A) Bus
B) Machine
C) On foot
D) Underground.
3 When does Nurali meet with his friends?
A) only at weekends.
B) only at Wednesday.
C) только в два выходных дня
Г) только через месяц
2 .Прочитайте текст еще раз и ответьте на во Напишите предложения по крайней мере из 5-6 слов.
4 Что думает Нурали о своем соседстве?
5 Что вы можете предложить для Нурали, чтобы быстрее добраться до центра?
6 какие здания находятся по соседству с Нурали?
7 что это за район такой?
Всего [ 7 ]
Написание (20 мин
По утрам он встает около 6.30.Его дети и жена встают позже.Он идет в ванну чтобы принять душ.Потом у него завтрак.На завтрак у него несколько яиц,кофе и сэндвичи.Он уезжает на работу в 8 часов.Его раб день начинается в 9 часов, но он приходит пораньше чтобы подготовиться к работе.
Утром секретарь приносит ему письма и телеграммы.Он читает письма и отправляет ответы обратно другим фирмам.Он часто принимает бизнесменов иностранных в его офисе.Они обычно начинают обсуждать цены поставку товаров оплаты и точки доставки.Иногда ездит за границу на бизнес чтоб поговорить с иностранными клиентами.Смирнов говорит на двуй ин языках.В 12.30 у него обед.Он заканчивает работу в 6.00 вечера
Does she understand the rule?
She understands the rule, doesn't she?
does she or he understand the rule.
Who understands the rule.
2. He usually has breakfast at 8 o'clock.
Does he usually have breakfast at 8 o'clock
He usually has breakfast at 8 o'clock, doesn't he?
Does He usually have breakfast at 8 or 9 o'clock?
Who usually has breakfast at 8 o'clock?
3. The lecture starts at 10.15.
Does the lecture start at 10.15.
The lecture starts at 10.15, doesn' it?
Does the lecture start at 10.15 or 10.30?
When does the lecture start?
4. The flowers look fresh.
do the flowers look fresh?
The flowers look fresh, don't they?
Do the flowers or fruits look fresh.
Whst looks fresh.
5. She usually walks in the morning.
does She usually walk in the morning.
She usually walks in the morning, doesn't she?
Does She usually walk in the morning or in the evening?
When does She usually walk
6. He has coffee in the evening.
has he coffee in the evening.
He has coffee in the evening, hasn't he?
has he coffee in the evening or in the morning?
what has he in the evening?
7. She remembers them well.
Does she remember them well.
She remembers them well, doesn't she?
does she or he remember them well.
Who remembers them well?
8. He plays chess very well.
does he play chess very well.
He plays chess very well, doesn't he?
does she or he play chess very well.
Who plays chess very well.
9. She leaves home at 10 o'clock every day.
Does she leave home at 10 o'clock every day.
She leaves home at 10 o'clock every day, doesn't she?
does she leave home or school at 10 o'clock every day.
When does she leave home ?.
10. Ann misses you badly.
Does Ann miss you badly.
Ann misses you badly, doesn't she?
Does Ann miss you or him badly.
Who misses you badly.
11. They feel very cold.
do They feel very cold?
They feel very cold. don't they?
do they feel very cold or hot
How do they feel?
12. Tom looks sick.
does Tom look sick.
Tom looks sick, doesn't he?
Who looks sick.
Do Tom or Sam look sick.
13. They harvest grapes in March.
Does They harvest grape in March.
They harvest grapes in March, doesn't it?
When does They harvest grape
Does They harvest grape in March or in April .
14. The last boat sails at 10 p.m.
Does The last boat sail at 10 p.m.
The last boat sails at 10 p.m. , doesn't it
When does The last boat sail
does The last boat sails at 10 or 11 p.m.
15. That train goes very fast.
Does that train go very fast.
that train goes very fast? doesn' it
What goes very fast.
does that train go very fast or very slow?