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21.04.2020 08:10 •  Английский язык

Task 1: read the text and complete the task.
kate and the internet
kate's first class starts at eight o’clock in the morning and it is 1.30a.m now. the only
sound that you can hear in kate's small room is the clicking of a computer keyboard. her mum
does no longer know what to do. every day, it’s the same. she goes to bed half an hour later.
“kate does no longer pay attention to her studies or to the report she has to present next week.
she ignores all types of homework. her mother says: “she cares only about the conversations
she carries on with people from all over the world without caring about her grades or her friends
in real life”. kate, who is a school learner, spends about 75hours per week online. "i can’t stop.
i have lost touch with all my friends in real life."
the internet access in american households increases, that’s why the number of
teenagers who spend a long time of their lives online, has increased too. psychologists say:
“look out! an increasing number of teens are going into a new form of addiction”. in an
interview kate declared: “i'm destroying my future and i am becoming isolated from the
society,” “i failed english last i didn’t care about my studies but at least, i feel free. in
fact, i can talk to others about any topic without being afraid of the consequences”. she added: “i
have found people who are ready to listen to my words”.

match parts of sentences in column (a) with parts of sentences in column (b). write the
answers in column (c).
example: 0.the only sound that you can hear in kate's small room
d) is the clicking of a computer keyboard.0-d
task 2: read the examples and make up your own questions. ask and answer them. assess
each other according to the assessment sheet.
learners work in pairs. firstly, one learner answers the questions the second learner assesses
on the criteria him /her then they swap the roles. teacher decides and includes in the assessment
sheet what vocabulary will be checked in this speaking task.
1. what piece of technology can’t you live without? why?
2. how often do you watch tv? explain your answer.
3. what’s your favourite gadget to communicate with friends? explain your answer.
possible answers:
1. i can’t live without a cell phone because of its practical use.
2. i watch tv only at weekends, because i don’t have much time.
3. i’m fond of a cell phone and the reason is that it connects me to the world.

assessment sheet
give 1 point for each right answer
criteria yes no
learner uses at least 5 words on communication and technology.
learner speaks without long stoppings.
learner’s speech is understandable.
learner asks at least 5 questions.
learner answers at least 5 questions.
learner gives advice for future improvements
50 ​

Показать ответ
11.07.2021 06:38
Music in our life i love music, i think people can not live without it. the first thing i do in the morning i switch on my tape — recorder. we can hear music everywhere: in the streets, in the shops, on tv, over the radio, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. i think it's really doesn't matter what kind of music you prefer: rock, pop, classical, jazz. a lot of people are fond of music. they buy tapes, go to the concerts, visit concert halls and opera theatres. i enjoy listening music because it reflects my moods and emotions. very often when i'm blue, i play my favourite merry songs and feel much better. sometimes i attend music halls and the concerts, when popular groups and singers are there. i like watching music programs on tv. i like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers i like. one wall of my room is covered with posters of "bon jovi", "scorpions", "roxette", russian singers agutin, sjutkin, linda and others. some people go to musics schools, they play different musical instruments, sing in the chorus, try to compose music. unfortunately there are so many ungifted singers on the stages, that it makes me sad. to have a good producer doesn't mean to have good ears and voice. i think that only talented people can claim to be singers. музыка в нашей жизни я люблю музыку, и мне кажется, что люди не могут жить без нее. первое, что я делаю утром — это включаю магнитофон. мы можем слышать музыку повсюду: на улицах, в магазинах, по телевизору и радио, в машинах, парках — везде. я думаю, что не имеет никакого значения, какую музыку вы предпочитаете: рок, поп, классическую, джаз. многим людям нравится музыка. они покупают кассеты, ходят на концерты, посещают филармонии и оперные театры. мне нравится слушать музыку, потому что она отражает мои настроения и эмоции. часто, когда мне грустно, я включаю свои любимые веселые песни и чувствую себя намного лучше. иногда я посещаю концертные залы, когда мои любимые группы или исполнители там выступают. мне нравится смотреть музыкальные передачи по телевизору. мне нравится узнавать больше и больше о популярных талантливых группах и исполнителях, которые мне нравятся. одна стена в моей комнате оклеена плакатами "бон джови", "скорпионз", "роксет". плакатами с изображением российских исполнителей агутина, сюткина, линды. некоторые ходят в музыкальные школы. они играют на различных музыкальных инструментах, поют в хоре, пытаются сочинять музыку. к сожалению, на нашей эстраде сейчас так много бездарных исполнителей, что меня это огорчает. иметь хорошего продюсера — еще не значит иметь хороший слух или голос. мне кажется, что только талантливые люди имеют право называться певцами.
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28.01.2020 07:43
1.) he hurt  his leg when he fell of the ladder. 2.) i saw that she was enjoying the concert. she was sitting and smiling. 3.) why didn't you open the door at once? - sorry, i didn't hear the bell. 4.) i   broke the plate while i was doing the washing-up. 5.) at two o'clock this afternoon i was having lunch that's why you didn't get  me on the phone. what did  you  want to tell me? - actually i called to tell you i   was coming home by the 7 o'clock train. 6.) i found that old photo when i was looking through the album. 7.) he was looking/looked through the article for some time and then he  made  notes. 8.) they were    discussing the situation for about an hour at yesterday's meeting. 9.) the boy was  always  fidgeting. but whenever i told  him not to, he  stuck out his tongue at me. 10.) while the coppards was working in the garden mr. coppard had a heart attack and his wife called  the doctor. 11.) i knew for sure what was happening in the next room at that moment. 12.) i didn't mean to shout at you. i was just speaking in an emotional manner! 13.) when i arrived, the party  was in full swing. someone was playing  the piano and the guests were dancing. nobody noticed  me come in. 14.) i asked her something but she didn't answer as she was tasting  some dish. 15.) what did  you  do when you found the ring? - i  called the police, of course.
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