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28.10.2021 11:18 •  Английский язык

Task 1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. There is one EXTRA word.
addiction exploitation wrap compatible virus
1. Anti-globalists insist that when big money is involved, corporations become nonaccountable and it’s very difficult to fine them for the of immigrants.
2. Yes, I’m buying this vase. Could you it, please?
3. I wanted to install this computer game, but it’s not with my computer software.
4. A is a program that can enter the computer and damage or eliminate the information there.
Task 2. Match the words with their definitions.
2) city
3) megapolis
4) settlement
5) capital
a) the main city of a state or country
c) a small village or colony, usually historical
d) a place where tents or buildings are erected usually for temporary living
e) an inhabited place usually larger or more important than a town
f) a very large, heavily populated city or urban complex

Task 3. Form the right part of speech.
1. The got an international prize. INVENT
2. A huge amount of forests every year. It may lead to the APPEAR extinction of many species.
3. You are never too old to go to college and gain some . QUALIFY
4. The hospital has the best medical and fast ambulances. EQUIP
5. Lying to your dad like that was really . DISHONESTY
6. If you make a good at the interview, you will get the job. IMPRESS

Task 4. Choose the correct MODAL VERB for each sentence below.
1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He CAN/ HAD BETTER/ MUST be exhausted after such a long flight.
2. The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But we DON’T HAVE TO/ CANNOT/ MUSTN’T read it if we don't want to.
3. You COULDN’T/ WON’T BE ABLE TO/ CAN’T do the job if you didn't speak Japanese fluently.
4. You SHOULDN’T/ CAN’T/ DON’T HAVE TO worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the job, or you don't.
5. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It MUST HAVE COST/ MUST BE COSTING/ MUST COST a fortune.

Task 5. Put the verbs into correct form in either ACTIVE or PASSIVE voice.

Life story
He was born in a little town in a family that could hardly (1) (CALL) a sporty one. The parents and four kids (2) (LIVE) in a tiny flat and that was probably one of the reasons that (3) (MAKE) Yuri choose his hobby. While most of his classmates were watching TV, practicing music or making model aircraft, the kid (4) (KICK) a ball in the yard whatever the weather. Once a professional coach, who (5) (ARRIVE) at the town for a qualifying round, spotted him when he (6) (PLAY) in an amateur football game. He found the boy promising and Yuri (7) (INVITE) to join a junior club in Moscow. In fact, he was a bit too old for professional sport, and not many people believed that he (8) (GAIN) any profound success. But he did. In several years Yuri (9) (BECOME) one of the most popular professional footballers. “I (10) (NEVER/SEE) a person so dedicated to football,” says one of his fans, and the others definitely share the opinion.
Task 6. Read the text with gaps and choose the correct options.
Maintaining friendship is crucial, best friends take time Best friends require one-on-one contact to survive. Telephone calls and (1) ... together are musts for best friends to continue. Probably the quickest way to end (2) ... friendship is to neglect it and sever contact. Yet it is hard to make time in a busy day and busy life to maintain our friends. But you (3) ... have to have hours to spare to maintain a friendship. Instead try the following to keep from neglecting your friends:
• Send frequent e-mail. E-mail is the fastest way to get a quick note to someone. • Call once a week. Telephone calls do not (4) ... long.
• Keep in (5) ... through brief messages left on answering machines.
• Send an occasional card. Funny and appropriate cards take minutes to choose and address.
• Exercise together. We all have to exercise. It is more fun with a friend, plus, there (6) ... no better place for talking than a walk in the park.
• Clean house together. This is (7) ... thing that makes cleaning fun instead of boring.
• Send pictures. A picture is still (8) ... than a thousand words.
• Go to lunch at least once a month. More often would be better.
1 A joining B getting C coming D working
2 A any B — C the D an
3 A don’t B didn’t C doesn’t D aren’t
4 A do B take C go D spend
5 A catch B touch C match D search
6 A is B be C was D are
7 A other B more C again D another
8 A better B good C worth D like

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25.11.2020 17:15
У меня была очень интересная неделя. Понедельник был мой тяжелый день в школе. У меня была математика, рукоделие, изучение природы, английский, музыка и плавание. Мне нравится учиться, но это не так просто, чтобы иметь так много предметов в расписании.Я пришел домой поздно после занятий, обедали, сделал свою домашнюю работу на моем столе.Тогда я думал, что это было здорово устроить вечеринку по случаю дня рождения. Поскольку мы не имеем классы по субботу и воскресенье, я планировал в субботу. Я сделал несколько пригласительных билетов для моих друзей и полиэтиленовый пакет с моими картами в шкаф, как я хотел, чтобы взять их на почту позже.В четверг у меня было немного трудным Математика упражнения делать. Пятница была моя уборка день. Я сделал мою комнату и чистить полы. Моя комната была хороша.В субботу вечером, в 5:00, я был готов, чтобы открыть двери, но никто не пришел. "Почему бы тебе не зови друзей твоих?" спросил маму. Я сделал. Никто ничего не знал о моей партии. Я не мог поверить своим ушам. Таким образом, я попросил, чтобы они пришли на 7. «е должен иметь партию тогда. Лучше поздно, чем никогда", сказал я.Я не мог под выдержать. Тогда я Хадан идею. Я открыл шкаф. И что же я вижу? О, нет! Был полиэтиленовый пакет с пригласительным билетам IB него. Моя мать засмеялась: «Когда вы одиннадцать, вы должны помнить, такие вещи."Это как мой "знаменитый" партии!
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11.05.2023 18:49


1. When my father came home, I was having dinner. 2. When Alice returned, I was listening to the radio. 3. When mother entered his room, he was drawing a picture. 4. When my sister came in, I was doing my lessons. 5. When her aunt was airing the room, she caught cold. 6. When I met her, she was going to the office. 7. He was washing his face when somebody knocked at the door. 8. The young people were dancing when I came to the party. 9. When he was washing the dishes, he broke a plate. 10. What were they doing when you saw them?


1. She cooked yesterday. 2. She was cooking at three o'clock yesterday. 3. She was cooking from two till four yesterday. 4. I wasn't reading at five o'clock.5. I wasn't reading when you came in. 6. What was he doing when I came? 7. What was he doing the whole day yesterday? 8. Pete watered flowers in the garden yesterday. 9. Pete was watering flowers in the garden at five o'clock yesterday. 10. What was Pete doing when I came to see him?

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