Tamgaly Tamgaly is a famous petroglyph site in Kazakhstan. Tamgaly was made (make) a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2004, and 1 (visit) by
many tourists every year. The site 2 (locate) 170 km northwest of Kazakhstan’s largest city, Almaty.
Over 5000 petroglyphs 3 (can see) in the main canyon, and many more 4 (can find) in the side canyons.
The petroglyphs are very old and 5 (think) to be mostly from the Bronze Age.
The site 6 (give) the name Tamgaly because it means ‘painted’ or ‘marked place’ in Kazakh.
assessment criteria:
write 6 correct sentences using Past Passive
Вот про Китайскую стенк
Великая Китайская стена – грандиознейшее оборонительное сооружение в истории человечества. Предпосылки к созданию сложились еще задолго до многовекового строительства. Так множество северных княжеств и царств Китая строили стены для обороны от набегов кочевников. После объединения этих маленьких царств и княжеств в III веке до н.э. под династией Цинь императором был избран Цинь Шихуанди. Именно он объединенными усилиями всего Китая начал долгое строительство Великой Китайской стены, призванной защитить Китай от набегов вражеских отрядов
The Great Wall of China - the grandest fortification in the history of mankind. The prerequisites for creation were formed long before the centuries-old construction. So many northern principalities and kingdoms of China built walls to defend against the raids of nomads. After the unification of these small kingdoms and princedoms in the III century BC under the Qin dynasty, Qin Shi Huangdi was elected emperor. It was he who, through the combined efforts of all of China, began the long construction of the Great Wall of China, designed to protect China from the raids of enemy troops.