Стили A family tree Complete the family tree. Use Mike's sister Mike's grandmother Mike's brother Mike's grandfather Mike's aunt Mike's uncle (x2) Mike's mother Mike's father Mike's cousin (x2) John Mary = Jack Anita Paul Jane Mark
illua Steve Tim Mike Kate Ana Complete the sentences. Use parents children grandson son grandparents grandchildren granddaughter 1 John and Mary are Mike's 2 Ana is Mary's 3 Tim, Mike and Ana are Mark's 4 Jane and Mark are Mike's 5 Mike is John's 6 Tim, Mike, Ana, Kate and Steve are Mary's 7 Steve is Jack's ថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថថ ASLC ORIGOVO COTY
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