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Сработа с текстом. rybinsk the russian town on the volga geography: rybinsk is situated in a beautiful place on the banks of the volga river. it is surrounded by wonderful woods, meadows, small rivers, streams you can find a lot of mushrooms and berries there. rybinsk belongs to yaroslavl region. it is about 80 km from the regional center yaroslavl and the second town by size in the whole region; yaroslavl has about 600 000 citizens, rybinsk has about 200 000 citizens. rybinsk is not far from moscow, about 300 km. you may get to our place by train, by bus or by car. however, you'll mostly enjoy your way to rybinsk by ship along the volga. history: rybinsk settles down the ancient russian land. first time this place was mentioned in the ancient manuscript of the xlth century. rybnaya sloboda/ fisherman's place was the initial place of the town. it was on the right bank of the volga, on the sharp cape between the volga and a small river - cheremsha (or cheremucha now). when the new capital of russia - st. petersburg was built, rybnaya sloboda became the main point where the goods (wheat mainly) went unloaded from the large ships to small ones for passing through shallow canals and sluices. in 1777, the queen of russia, katherine the wind, gave to rybinsk the status of "town". from that time rybinsk became the richest town in the upper part of the volga, the town of the merchants. rybinsk began to grow - many beautiful buildings and churches were built at that time. among the architects who created the appearance of the town were the famous ones who built st. petersburg, rossi for example. in 1897 25 000 citizens lived already in rybinsk. in 1987, rybinsk was bestowed upon the status of "historical" town. culture: rybinsk is rich in cultural traditions that go back to the russian orthodox enlightenment of the xiiith century, to the creation of the merchants in the town in the xviii - sixth centuries. now the architectural appearance of old rybinsk is its culture - very variable and versatile the collection of rybinsk architectural and historical museum-sanctuary is very rich. there are the pictures of famous and provincial artists, icons, rare books, things of the folk industry and others. the citizens of rybinsk have their own traditions among which you can find a noisy and gay shrovetide holiday (maslenitsa) when people meet spring and say "farewell" to winter. young people take the traditions of folk-dance and folk-song. annually the "holiday of town" is held in rybinsk. it is a festive gathering in the streets and squares. lastly, there are a few music schools, a good school of painting, children's choruses and more than 100 libraries. all this is rybinsk! task i. find the english equivalents for the following phrases in the text: 1. древняя земля 2. мелководные каналы и шлюза 3. купеческий город 4. православное просвещение руси 5. архитектурный облик старого рыбинска 6. архитектурный и музей-заповедник 7. предметы народного быта 8. традиции танца и песни task ii. answer the following questions: sweat 1. where is rybinsk situated? 2. what region do rybinsk belong to? 3. what is the population of rybinsk? 4. how can you get to rybinsk from moscow? 5. when was rybinsk first mentioned in the ancient manuscript? 6. who and when gave to rybinsk the status of 'town''? 7. what architects created the appearance of rybinsk? 8. what things can you see in rybinsk museum-sanctuary? 9. what holidays do people in rybinsk celebrate? 10. what art schools are there in rybinsk? task iii. are the following statements true or false. give the right variant if the statement is false. 1. rybinsk belongs to moscow region. 2. rybinsk the second town by size in the yaroslavl region. 3. rybinsk is far from moscow, about 3000 km. 4. rybinsk settles down the ancient french land. 5. in 1777, the queen of russia, katherine the wind, gave to rybinsk the status of "town". 6. among the architects who created the appearance of the town were the famous ones who built st. petersburg. 7. the collection of rybinsk architectural and historical museum-sanctuary is very poor. 8. young people take the traditions of folk-dance and folk-song. 9. the "holiday of town" is held in rybinsk once in 10 years. 10. there are more than 200 libraries in rybinsk. task iv. write out of the text words, connected with: 1. other names of rybinsk 2. the population of rybinsk in different years 3. famous people, mentioned in the text 4. sightseeings in rybinsk 5. holidays in rybinsk

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15.08.2020 07:10
- Hi, I'm lost and do not know how to get to school.
- How did you get lost?
- Probably I did not go there and now I do not know where to go.
-I will help you.
- Do you know where the museum is?
-The school is near the museum
-Is this close here?
- Yes, you need to go through the park.
- Can you show the way?
-Oh sure!
-Turn right, left and through the park, you will need to walk past the museum and on the right there will be a school.
- Thank you very much, you helped me out.
-No problems.

-Привет, я заблудился и не знаю как пройти к школе.
-Как ты заблудился ?
-Наверное я не туда свернул и теперь не знаю куда идти.
-Я тебе.
-Ты знаешь где находится музей ?
-Школа находится практически рядом с музеем
-Это здесь близко?
-Да, нужно пройти через парк.
-Ты можешь показать дорогу ?
-Да, конечно!
-Поверните направо, налево и через парк, вам будет необходимо пройти мимо музея и справа будет школа.
-Большое ты меня выручил.
-Нет проблем.
0,0(0 оценок)
09.05.2020 13:16
1. To stop the arms race is the main goal of all mankind.
2. I adore skating on a clear winter day.
3. I'm sorry to ask you so many questions.
4. you do not mind if I open the window.
5. this book is worth reading.
6. John could not help admiring her smile
7. she is tired of doing homework
8. I look forward to when we make a tour of Europe
9. He used to get up early every day.
10. he is very interested in studying foreign languages
11. In addition, she collects stamps, she attends a music school
12. not viewing the program of telecasts, we did not know the time of the beginning of the film
13. they finished working on time
0,0(0 оценок)
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