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Спересказом плз! the press in britain and elsewhere it's common knowledge that newspapers report the news. published on a regular basis, usually daily or weekly, they also interpret events behind the news. in addition, newspapers give useful information, such as stock market prices, weather reports and television programmes. they are also a popular source of reading for entertainment. people often buy newspapers for their feature articles on subjects of wide interest, such as travel and fashion, for their comics and crosswords, and for their regular columns on topics, such as gardening, eating out, show business, gossip and astrology. together with other means of communi­cation, such as radio, television, and magazines, newspapers form the media. printed forms of the media, including newspapers and magazines are also called "the press". newspapers treat the news in two different ways. they can take a serious line, reporting and explaining the news with the aim of informing the readers as fully as possible. alternatively they may take a more popular approach, which requires more entertainment in the choice and presentation of stories, photographs and larger eye-catching headlines. many newspapers combine the serious and the popular approach, but in the united kingdom newspapers tend to be either one thing or the other. both serious and popular newspapers can be further divided into daily or weekly (depending on how often they are published), morning or evening (depending on when they are published) and local, national, or, in a very few cases, international (depending on the area over which they are sold). newspapers of general interest are supplemented by specialist newspapers, which publish news and stories for people with particular interests. religious, financial, and sporting newspapers are examples. the british are believed to be the greatest newspaper readers in the world. they read newspapers at breakfast, on the bus or on the train when they go to work and on the way back home. a symbol of the british press is fleet street — a street in london that used to be home of most british national newspapers. fleet street is conveniently situated on the north bank of the river thames close to a number of large railway stations, which makes it easy to deliver the papers to the trains taking them round the country. fleet street is also not far from such important british institutions as the bank of england, the stock exchange, the houses of parliament and the law courts, which allows the fleet street journalists to keep an eye on things. british daily papers are published from monday to saturday. the serious or quality papers such as the times, the guardian, the financial times, the independent and the daily telegraph are for those who want to know about important happenings everywhere, both domestic news and foreign news. compared with belarusian papers, british quality papers are very thick. they usually consist of separate sections such as politics, finances, business, etc. it's not uncommon for a newspaper reader to use only one or two sections and throw the others away. popular papers or tabloids, such as the daily mail, the sun or the daily express make a much easier reading and have a more general readership. many popular papers run strip cartoons and humorous drawings, a lot of them have a woman's page, and readers' letters. nearly all papers pay special attention to sports news. the evening papers, such as the evening news are often bought because people want to know the winner of a race or the result of football pools. the sunday papers are not sunday editions of the daily papers but separate weekly editions coming out on sundays. in addition to the news they usually provide interesting articles on arts, newly-published books, and gardening. some of them, such as the sunday times have a very high reputation and the best critics and journalists write for them. 50

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20.08.2022 12:37
1. I didn't smoke.
2. She drank a lot of tea.
3.My brouther had a car.
4.Did you go to work by subway? (метро)
5 He went to the cinema?

On monday we had five lessons. The first lesson was Einglish. At this lesson we wrote a dictation and did some exersises. Nick went to the black board. 
He answered well and got "five". Pete dont get a "five"  because he didn't know his lesson. After the second lesson i went to the canteen. I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea.  I didn't drink milk. After school i  didn't go home at once. I went to the libary and took a book. Then i went home
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26.10.2021 02:25
Понятие роботов восходит к древности, когда некоторые мифы, рассказанные механических существ привлечены к жизни. Такое автоматы также появилась в заводных fig¬ures средневековых церквей, а в 18 веке получила некоторые часовщик с славу для умных механических fig¬ures, что они построены. В настоящее время термин автомат, как правило, применяется для них ручной, механический (вместо электромеханического) устройств, имитирующих движения живых существ. Некоторые из «роботов» используются в рекламе и развлечений на самом деле автоматов, даже с добавлением дистанционного управления. Сам термин робот происходит от чешского слова, означающего Робота, «Принудительный труд». Впервые он был использован в Чешской романист и драматург Карел Чапек, чтобы описать механическое устройство, которое выглядит как человек, но, не имея человеческого чувствительность, могут выполнять только автоматические, механические операции. Роботы, как их называют сегодня не только подражать человека или другие живые формы. Правда роботы не было словцо стало возможным, однако, до inven¬tion компьютера в 1940 и miniaturiza¬tion компьютерных частей. Один из первых настоящих роботов был экспериментальной моделью разработан исследователями в Стэнфордском исследовательском институте в конце 1960-х годов. Было ca¬pable из организации блоков в штабеля через использование телевизионной камеры в качестве визуального датчика, обработки этой информации в небольшом компьютере. Компьютеры сегодня оснащаются микропроцессорами, которые могут обрабатывать данные, подаваемого на них различными датчиками окружающей среды. Пользуясь принципу обратной связи, роботы могут изменить свои opera¬tions до некоторой степени в ответ на изменения в этой envi¬ronment. Коммерческое использование роботов распространяется, с увеличением автоматизации заводов, и они стали важными для многих лабораторных процедур. Япония является самой передовой нацией изучения робототехники. В настоящее время роботы продолжают расширять свои приложения. В самодельные роботы (горничная), доступные сегодня, могут быть одним из признаков будущего.
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