Перевод: используйте эти слова, чтобы написать предложения о мексике. рассказать классу заснеженные горы и вулканы. достопримечательности. форты. центр города. животные и растения. блошиный рынок. рукоделиеsightseeing: 1. mexico city cathedral2. chichen itza3. chapultepec palace4. national museum of anthropology5. copper canyonmexico city is the capital of mexico, the largest city in the world (the population of mexico city within the federal district is 21,200,000 people) and the ninth agglomeration on the planet according to the “demographia. world urban areas & population projections, 2011 data. at the same time, the federal district is located in the central and southern parts of the city, the rest of the districts belong to the states of mexico city and hidalgo.
Education in russia is a must. there are two types of education: fee-based and free children begin kindergarten education or at the age of 3 years. at the age of 6-7 years they attend school. then at the age of 10 they go to school. there, children have different teachers in each. at the end of the 9th grade, they take and continue their education in high school. some children in their former schools continue their education in some schools that are paid in some subjects: english, math, art, and others. before leaving school, they take final exams and receive secondary education. after that, they can universities, colleges, military schools or academies.