1. Where is Kolya? — Не is at the lecture. 2. Father goes to work every day. 3. Yesterday father was at work and mother was at home. 4. Yesterday I went to the library, I borrowed a very interesting" book at the library. 5. Katya was sitting at the table. There were books and exercise books on the table. Her father went up to the table and put a vase on the table. He put some flowers into the vase. 6. Yesterday we went to the exhibition. We saw a lot of paintings at the exhibition. 7. Where is Tom? — He is at the stadium. He always goes to the stadium on Sunday. And his sister goes to the swimming pool. She is at the swimming pool now. 8. Do you like to go to the theatre? 9. When we came to the railway station, we put our things on the platform and sat down on a bench. Mother went to the shop and bought some lemonade. 10. At the lesson yesterday the teacher said to me, "There are two mistakes on the blackboard. Go to the blackboard and correct the mistakes!" 11. Were you at the concert yesterday? — No, we worked at the library and then we went to the park. We played in the park and then we sat on the grass, 12. There are not so many children in the yard today. 13. There are so many students at the lecture today.
Выберите одну ситуацию и создайте беседу о ситуации, которую вы выбрали. 1. Автомобиль перед вами автомобиль внезапно останавливается, и вы не можете избежать удара. Обе машины повреждены. водитель выходит из машины и подходит к вам. 2.В отеле вы обнаружите, что в вашей комнате живет другой человек. Вы разговариваете с ним, объясняя, что он в неправильной комнате. 3. Вы идете в центр города с другом. Вдруг вы помните, что вы оставили мясо на плите дома. 4. Вы пробуждаетесь посреди ночи громким шумом вне окна гостиничного номера. Вы смотрите в окно и видите странного человека, который там петь. Вы просите его прекратить петь, но он отказывается. 5. Вы сошли с поезда в странной стране. Вы находите человека, который говорит немного по-английски и спрашивает его, как добраться до определенного адреса. Поговорив с ним некоторое время, вы понимаете, как добраться туда, куда вы хотите пойти
2. Father goes to work every day.
3. Yesterday father was at work and mother was at home.
4. Yesterday I went to the library, I borrowed a very interesting" book at the library.
5. Katya was sitting at the table. There were books and exercise books on the table. Her father went up to the table and put a vase on the table. He put some flowers into the vase.
6. Yesterday we went to the exhibition. We saw a lot of paintings at the exhibition.
7. Where is Tom? — He is at the stadium. He always goes to the stadium on Sunday. And his sister goes to the swimming pool. She is at the swimming pool now.
8. Do you like to go to the theatre?
9. When we came to the railway station, we put our things on the platform and sat down on a bench. Mother went to the shop and bought some lemonade.
10. At the lesson yesterday the teacher said to me, "There are two mistakes on the blackboard. Go to the blackboard and correct the mistakes!"
11. Were you at the concert yesterday? — No, we worked at the library and then we went to the park. We played in the park and then we sat on the grass,
12. There are not so many children in the yard today.
13. There are so many students at the lecture today.