Составить 4 общих вопроса и 4 специальных вопроса (на выбор) из ниже представленных словосочетаний: to break to pieces a panorama (view) of to stand for smth. to strike a blow fine and applied arts to go on a tour to have a possibility for to strike a match a piece of advice to be a surprise to smb. to turn smth. into smth. to be a surprise to to be worthy of smth. to go on strike to take a trip
1.Are you enjoing a view of falling trees?
2.Is she going on a tour next month?
3.Have you a real possibility for changing your life?
4. Have you had a piece of advice?
Специальные вопросы
1. What have you been surprised to?
2.What book is worth of reading?
3. Where are you going tj take a trip?
4.What are you standing for?