Skills 6C
Listening Listen to Mark talking about an excur
en to Mark talking about an excursion. For question
1-5, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
0 Mark went on an activity holiday to 3 Mark stayed
(A) Wales. B Scotland. C Ireland. A in a tent.
Mark went
C in a wooden chalet.
A alone. B with his parents.
4 The holiday is for children
C with his friends.
Mark's favourite activity was
A 12. B 16. C 13.
A horse riding. Bclimbing. 5 The holiday costs
C white-water rafting.
A £150. B £200. C £350.
Leonardo da Vinci is a famous Italian painter, writer, scientist and musician. He was born in the family of a rich landowner and a poor peasant woman. Leonardo received a good educatыion. He could draw both hands. When he was a child Leonardo has been sick. He drew Mona Lisa. Her smile is a secret for all art lovers. Leonardo da Vinci invented the bicycle, the spotlight and many other inventions. The artist also studied anatomy. Leonardo da Vinci made a great contribution to science, painting and medicine.
Перевод. Леонардо да Винчи - известный итальянский художник, писатель, ученый и музыкант. Он родился в семье богатого помещика и бедной крестьянки. Леонардо получил хорошее образование. Он мог нарисовать обеими рукакми. Когда он был ребенком, Леонардо много болел. Он нарисовал Мону Лизу. Ее улыбка - секрет для всех любителей искусства. Леонардо да Винчи изобрел велосипед, прожектор и многие другие изобретения. Художник изучал анатомию. Леонардо да Винчи внес большой вклад в науку, живопись и медицину.