Собаки играют много ролей в человеческом обществе и люди часто используют их как рабочих собак. Люди используют их для охоты, охраны. Борзые, сеттеры, ретриверы - отличные охотники и они очень популярны в США, где охота - вид спорта. Такие породы, как колли, вельш-корги (уэльские) - прекрасные пастухи и охранять коров и овец. Хорошо известная порода сенбернарн хороша в поиске людей в горах под снегом. Ньюфаундленд - чудесный пловец, хорошо людей на море. Полиция США часто использует собак. Они обучают их искать наркотики и бомбы. Собаки патрулируют улицы вместе с полицейскими. Во многих странах самая распространенная и, возможно, самая важная роль собак - это компаньоны. Во многих случаях люди людям, но мы любим их за их лояльность. Лояльность делает их нашими лучшими друзьями.
1. I remember (meeting) him last year. 2. I must remember (to meet) him at the station tomorrow. 3. Please, remember (to close) the door when you go out. 4. I remember (closing) the door, but I’m not sure that I locked it. 5. Don’t forget (to lock) the door before (going) to bed. 6. He forgot (to bring) his passport. He left it on the table. 7. I’ll never forget (going) out with my aunt in my childhood. 8. Try (to forget) it; it isn’t worth (worrying) about. 9. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried (knocking) on the door, but there was still no answer. 10. We tried (to put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. 11. Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (asking) Gerry but he was short of money, too. 12. Please, leave me alone. I’m trying (to concentrate). 13. I need a change. I need (to go) away for a while. 14. The windows are dirty. They need (cleaning). 15. You don’t need (to ask) his permission every time you want (to leave) the room. 16. Your hair needs (cutting). Would you like me (to do) it for you? 17. We stopped there (to buy) some biscuits. 18. Please, stop (asking) me questions. 19. ‘Did you start your diet?’ ‘Sure, but I can’t help (eating) sweets.’ 20. Can you help me (to get) the dinner ready?
2. I must remember (to meet) him at the station tomorrow.
3. Please, remember (to close) the door when you go out.
4. I remember (closing) the door, but I’m not sure that I locked it.
5. Don’t forget (to lock) the door before (going) to bed.
6. He forgot (to bring) his passport. He left it on the table.
7. I’ll never forget (going) out with my aunt in my childhood.
8. Try (to forget) it; it isn’t worth (worrying) about.
9. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried (knocking) on the door, but there was still no answer.
10. We tried (to put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful.
11. Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (asking) Gerry but he was short of money, too.
12. Please, leave me alone. I’m trying (to concentrate).
13. I need a change. I need (to go) away for a while.
14. The windows are dirty. They need (cleaning).
15. You don’t need (to ask) his permission every time you want (to leave) the room.
16. Your hair needs (cutting). Would you like me (to do) it for you?
17. We stopped there (to buy) some biscuits.
18. Please, stop (asking) me questions.
19. ‘Did you start your diet?’ ‘Sure, but I can’t help (eating) sweets.’
20. Can you help me (to get) the dinner ready?