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07.03.2020 20:04 •  Английский язык

Сделать Тест Контрольная работа 7 класс
1.Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs. Прочти тексты 1 – 4 с описаниями месяцев. Подбери к ним названия A, B, C, D.
1. It is the month when birds migrate, when the leaves begin to turn yellow and red, when apples ripen, and nights are cool. On the 23rd, day and night are of equal length. You can still see some summer flowers around. Towards the middle of this month the leaves begin to change their colour. There are many mushrooms in the forests. Animals are now preparing for the coming winter. Birds gather in flocks and get ready for their flight to the South.
2. It is the month of the last frost, of melting snow, of the first buds and green, of earliest spring flowers, of the first migratory birds. On the 21st, day and night are of equal length. Towards the end of this month you can find first spring flowers. Grey squirrels begin to build new nests. People celebrate International Women’s Day in this month. The holiday is celebrated all over the world. Sprigs of mimosa are the best present for women on this day.
3. It is the month of greatest cold, of frozen lakes and ponds, of deep snow. Although some animals are sleeping, winter is good time to watch many of them. Grey squirrels are very active in winter. Rabbits wear white coats. They must always remember of their enemy, the red fox, who hunts during the day. When a fox wants to sleep — he lies down in the snow and uses his tail as a blanket.
4. It is the month of roses, of tall grass and sweet-smelling hay, of warm nights. 0n the 22nd, we have the longest day and the shortest night. All kinds of grasses bloom at this time. Near ponds and lakes you can see a bright carpet of flowers. Strawberries are ripe. The young birds usually stay in the nest from one to two weeks. During this time their parents give them food and watch them. Children have their holidays. It is the beginning of summer.
A – January
B – June
C – March
D – September
2. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1) Animals are now preparing for the coming winter.
2) Sprigs of mimosa are the best present for women on this day.
3. Прочти тексты A - D. Отметь , о ком идёт речь.
A.My name is Ann. I’m eleven. I’m tall. My hair is long and fair. My eyes are big and brown. I study in the sixth form. I learn many interesting subjects at school. They are English, Russian, History, Maths, Music and others. I’m fond of Maths. My hobby is swimming. B.My name is Kostya. I’m fourteen. I’m neither tall nor short. My face is round, my eyes are blue. My hair is short and fair. I’m in the ninth form. I study well. In my free time I play chess. I’m a good player. C.I’m Tanya. My eyes are green. My hair is dark and long. I’m short and thin. I’m thirteen. I’m in the eighth form. I wear a uniform. My favourite subject is English. I’m fond of music. I play the piano well. D.My name is Nick. I’m sixteen. I’m rather tall. I have blue eyes and a straight nose. My hair is dark and short. I’m in the eleventh form. I’m planning to be a teacher. In my spare time I enjoy reading , playing basketball and watching TV.
Ann /Kostya /Tanya /Nick
1)Has big and brown eyes
2)Is fond of English
3)Is a good chess-player
4)Likes to read
5)Wears a uniform
6)Has short and fair hair
7)Wants to become a teacher
8)Is the youngest
9)Has grey eyes and fair hair
4.Прочти текст. В во выбери правильный ответ a), b), c) или d).
I am Gerald Johnson. I live in California. I'm going to take a trip around the world. I leave for my trip next week. I am getting very excited about it. I'll take a plane from San Francisco to Hawaii. From there I'll take a boat to Japan. I'll visit some friends in Tokyo. I'll spend about a week in Tokyo and then I'll visit a few other cities in Japan. I'll stop in a few other countries in the Far East. I want to see Taiwan. I have some Chinese friends there. I also plan to visit Vietnam. I speak Vietnamese a little and I'll have a good chance to practice the language. After I leave the Far East, I'm going straight to Europe. I plan to visit France, Italy and Spain. I'll spend about two weeks in Europe. I'll fly straight home from there. The trip will take me about eight weeks. I have lots to do before I'm ready. I'll have to do some shopping because I need some clothes. I think I'll get a new suit and I'll need some good walking shoes, too. Oh, yes, and some film. I'll need to get several rolls of colour film. I want to take a lot of pictures. I need a new suitcase, too.
1. What kind of trip is Gerald going to take?

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30.04.2022 02:24
Пока средняя полоса России утопала в сугробах, в солнечной Флориде отгремел Фестиваль клубники. Празднества привлекают любителей клубники в Плант-Сити ежегодно. В этом году они проходили с 28-го февраля по 10-е марта. 

Выставки в области сельского хозяйства, промышленности, искусств, садоводства и ремесел — все это о фестивале клубнике во Флориде, где из года в года разворачиваются клубничные поля площадью не меньше восьми тысяч акров. Ну а как иначе — только в округе Хиллсборо насчитывается 2800 ферм. Возвращаясь к фестивалю, стоит отметить, что он не обходится без красочного парада, вручения награды Человеку года и конкурса красоты. 

Фестиваль проводится во Флориде с 1930-го года. В последние годы он неизменно привлекает не меньше полумиллиона посетителей. Кроме того, по итогам ежегодного голосования, его регулярно причисляют к 50-ти лучших ярмаркам Америки
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06.03.2023 12:16

I like to spend my free time watching interesting films. My favourite genre is horror as it is very exciting and nerve raking. Some people don't understand the pleasure of watching horror movies, it seems as they are just afraid of them. To my mind, such films help us to face all existed hidden and terrible fears.

This genre provides us the wide range of different dangerous situations such as vampirism, epidemic flu, zombi, great war, random and mysterious deaths and many others. We can get to know all the good and bad sides of people judging by their behavior in these extreme situations, how they act and what values they have. The famous quote says "a friend in need is a friend indeed". I think it is totally true because only after facing the problems we will be able to know whether  we have a devoted friend or not, whether we can be a real friend by ourselves or not. Despite of the unreal elements in the film also the social, terror, political, economic problems are risen.

In conclusion I want to say that people shouldn't avoid horror films as they reveal the mirror image of our society.

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