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Сделать по business books keeping up with developments in your professional field is getting more and more difficult. it used to be enough to read a few trade magazines, attend the occasional conference and subscribe to a professional website. nowadays, though, it seems this is not enough. many
people involved in business today will have heard of long tails, black swans, freakonomics and one-minute managers. however, if you haven’t read the right books and don’t know the jargon, a “long tail” is a way of describing sales patterns, a “black swan” is an unusual but high-impact event,
“freakonomics” is a way of describing unusual economic effects and the “one-minute manager” is a good time manager. books on the subject of business, and the jargon (or specific language) they produce have now become a business in themselves. most bookshops now have several shelves filled with books
suggesting all sorts of revolutionary theories which will change the way you do business, manage your time or do your accounting procedures. many of these books claim they can make you rich and successful. there are now books which tell you how to persuade people and close the deal, how to read and
use body language, how to unlock the secrets of international markets, how to go global and stay green, or list the 25 principles of success, the ten ways to make yourself a better manager, the 100 richest people in the world. as well as these books, there is another style of business book: the
biography or autobiography of the successful business person. these days, it seems, no one can become the ceo (chief executive officer) of even a small company without putting pen to paper and telling the story of their rise to the top, especially if they have a personal tragic story to overcome, or
some fantastic ideas to share. in one of these books, a fairly well-known ceo says “everything i know about business, i’ve learned myself” which makes me wonder why people would buy his book. some of these books sell by the thousands, often appearing in the bestseller lists alongside blockbusting
works of fiction. who is buying them, and what do they learn? are these books essential tools for the modern workplace, or just a way for publishers to make money? undoubtedly some books do become vital textbooks for students of business at any level, and some of the biographies can hold valuable
lessons for any aspiring or practicing entrepreneurs. however, the accusation that many of these books are creating unnecessary jargon, words and terms which complicate, not simplify, the world of business, also seems true. 41 choose the best ending. 1. according to the article, being more informed
in your profession a) is becoming more complex. b) has never been easy. c) means reading a lot of magazines. d) is now done through the internet. 2. if you haven’t read certain business books. a) you won’t be able to do your job properly. b) you won’t understand what your colleagues are talking
about. c) you won’t know certain new terms. d) you won’t use terms correctly to describe things. 3. many bookshops a) have books full of radical ideas. b) will help you to become successful. c) stock a lot of business books. d) are successful businesses. 4. books are available a) about all kinds of
business subjects. b) about management. c) which will improve your career prospects. d) which will make you a successful person. 5. according to the article a) many company directors have written their life stories. b) it is necessary to have good ideas to write a book. c) it is necessary to have
had personal difficulties before you can be successful. d) biographies of famous people are useless. 6. some business books a) are made into films. b) are very commercially successful. c) are works of fiction. d) only helps publishing companies.

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12.08.2020 06:36
.Yes it is. We keep there our potatoes.

2.There are 4 rooms. There are 2 rooms upstairs and 2 rooms downstairs. No, we don't.

3.My house made from bricks. No, there aren't.

4.Yes, there are. No, there isn't.

5.Yes it is. Yes I do. 

6.The ceilings are high. Yes it is.

7.Yes, it is. We keep them in the big room.

8.Yes, it is. 

9.Yes, there are. Yes, it is.

10.Yes, it is.

11.The rooms are cluttered.

12.Yes, we do.

13.Yes, we do.

14.My father is.

15.It looks like the palace on the ourside. Yes, it is.

16.No, it isn't.

17.Yes, it is.

18.No, we aren't.
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31.03.2021 21:20

Адельхайд (последняя буква произносится как «т»), она же «Хайди», девочка-сирота, которую опекает в швейцарском Майенфельде её тётя Дэтэ. Тётушка устраивается работать во Франкфурт и отвозит 8-летнюю Хайди к деду. Тот не в ладах с жителями родной деревни, а потому живёт бобылём на отгонном пастбище, — его прозвали «Альп-Ой» («Альпийский дедушка» на диалекте Граубюнден).

Сперва дед недоволен приездом Хайди, но со временем девочке удаётся преодолеть его внешнюю отчуждённость и зажить душа в душу: с ним и его лучшим другом, — пастухом коз или как его называл дедушка Хайди "повелитель коз Питер".

Дэтэ через три года возвращается и перевозит Хайди во Франкфурт к 11-летней девочке-инвалиду по имени Клара Сесеман. Целый год Хайди живёт с Кларой, неоднократно сталкиваясь со строгой экономкой семьи Сесеман фрау Роттенмейер, — девочка сильно тоскует. Утешением ей служит обучение грамоте, мотивированное желанием вернуться домой и читать слепой бабушке Петера. Пошатнувшееся здоровье ребёнка и несколько случаев лунатизма (она унаследовала склонность к эпилепсии от матери) убеждают доктора Клары отправить Хайди обратно к дедушке.

Возвращение внучки побуждает деда спуститься в деревню, — наступает конец его уединению.

Хайди и Клара пишут друг другу письма. Врач, посетивший Хайди и дедушку, рекомендует Кларе совершить путешествие и навестить подругу. Между тем, Хайди учит Петера читать.

Клара приезжает в следующем году и проводит с Хайди чудесное лето. От козьего молока и свежего горного воздуха она чувствует себя всё лучше, но Петер из ревности сбрасывает её пустую инвалидную коляску с горы. Но Хайди пытается догнать коляску и падает за ней следом в обрыв. К счастью ее дедушка и Питер ее .Клара от испуга за свою подругу встает. И все увидев это начинают учить ее ходить без коляски, и ей это удаётся. Бабушка и отец вне себя от радости, когда видят Клару идущей.

Богатая семья Клары обещает дать Хайди кров и обеспечить её, в случае, если по какой-либо причине дедушка будет это делать не в состоянии.

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