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27.05.2023 20:27 •  Английский язык

Сделать 10 во на английском к тексту BIG ANDVENTURE ON A SMALL ISLAND
Are you a diving enthusiast? Are you always looking for underwater spots to explore and take some great pictures? Well, if you are, then you should come to Coron Island in the Philippines for new a holiday of a lifetime. Here, you will enjoy diving and snorkelling in the crystal blue waters of Coron and even see lots of underwater treasures. Local fishermen will welcome you and also act as guides to the various underwater dive sites. The main attractions in the waters near Coron are the 12 Japanese and supply ships that sunk here in World War II. The US Navy bombed the ships and they now lay untouched for more than years at the bottom of the sea at depths of 10 to 43 metres. Most these ships are still intact so divers can explore these wrecks with boat dives per day. Divers can even swim through some of the rooms of the ships and see fantastic coral reefs and sea creatures on and around the ships. Another underwater adventure awaits you at the north end of the island in Barracuda Lake. Legend has it that the lake's name comes from a large barracuda fish living in the lake. There a 20-minute climb up a difficult hiking trail over rocky limestone to get to the lake; but once you are there the spectacular view is worth it. This hot thermal lake is actually in a volcano crater which explains the rapid changes in the water temperature of the lake. It is uncomfortably hot on the way down, at about 12 to 13 metres deep, the temperature suddenly changes from 27°C to 39°C and then on the way back up the top layer feels freezing! There isn't a lot to see at the bottom of the lake as the water is dark and murky. As you go up, though, keep your eyes open for prawns. If you put out your fingers they will come right up to you. For more experienced divers only, there is a large deep cave to explore, but only one diver at a time can go into the cave because of its narrow passageway. This cave is truly unique diving experience. The waters of Coron Island promise so much to those curious enough to explore them. This island is definite stop the quest to discover the mysteries of the deep!

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30.04.2020 07:32
3 задание:
детский сад- nursery school;
большой выбор- a wide choice;
государственная школа- state school;
большин­ство школ- the majority of schools;
дополнительные предметы- additional subjects;
первая четверть- the first term;
школь­ные правила- school regulations;
включать- includes;
изучаемые предметы- subjects under study;
выпускники- school leavers;
акаде­мия- academy;
выпускные экзамены-  final examinations.

4 задание:
- I went to nursery school when I was four years old. 
- There is a wide choice of books at the National Library of Russia.
- The majority of parents tend to enrol their children in the local state schools.
- Pupils learn English or German as their second language in the majority of schools.
- Sometimes parents sent their children to specialised after school classes or clubs instead of picking up additional subjects at school. 
- The first term starts on September the 1st and lasts two months until the end of October. 
- Pupils must follow school regulations such as wearing school uniform, attending lessons on time, adhering to the programme taught by teachers, doing their homework etc. 
- In most schools, free school meals aren't included and must be paid for additionally. 
- In secondary schools, subjects under study include Algebra, Geometry, IT, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and many more. 
- After finishing secondary school, school leavers tend to attend prom to celebrate graduation. 
- Academies differ from universities in a way that they provide training or teaching in a specific field as oppose to a broad range of subjects. 
- Pupils study hard for final examinations to be able to get accepted into highly ranked universities. 

5 задание:
- the course of studies in Russian schools: The course of studies at school is eleven years now: four years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. Previously it was only ten years: three years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. 
- pre-primary educational establishments: Children under the age of six are taken to creches and nursery schools.
- types of schools existing in Russia: There is a wide choice of schools nowadays: state schools, private schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. 
- lessons in primary school: (параграф, который начинается с этого) In primary school there are three or four lessons a day, they usually are Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. A lesson lasts forty minutes. 
- secondary education: (параграф, который начинается с этого) At the age of ten children pass to the second stage of education, known as secondary school. In secondary school there is a wide variety of subjects under study, and teachers specialize. 
- school-leaving examinations: After eleven years at school the school leavers take examinations and get the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education. Those who have only excellent marks in the Certificate get a gold medal, which gives the right to enter higher school taking only one examination.
- the admission to higher school: The admission to higher school is competitive and based on the system of entrance examinations, usually three or four. During the ex­aminations the school leavers must show their abilities in the chosen field.
- higher educational establishments: Among higher educational establishments are institutes (colleges), academies and universities. 

6 задание:
- The course of study is eleven years. 
- Children under the age of six are taken to creches and nursery schools. 
- The majority of schools is free of charge
- At the age of six children start going to primary school. 
- After Basic Secondary Education young people can enter technical (vocational) schools. 
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10.05.2021 09:32

Вы получили письмо от Вашего друга по переписке Тима. Он пишет: "...Мои родители хотят купить двухквартирный дом. Я хочу, чтобы в нём была большая гостиная, кухня, и кабинет на первом этаже, и шесть спален на втором этаже. Я не хочу открытый камин. Я предпочитаю иметь центральное отопление. У нас две машины, поэтому нужно как минимум два парковочных места или гаража..."

Dear Tim,

Thank you for your letter. I was very glad to get it. Great news!  Your family  

is going to buy a semi-detached house! When are you going to buy it?

It goes without saying that the lounge should be large.  As for the cars, I have the same opinion as yours: there should be two garages or one but big enough for two parking places. I think you'll soon get a car too. Do you speak about the study for yourself or for your father? You have mentioned six bedrooms. Do you want to have a room of your own and a separate bedroom?  In any case, you are lucky to move to a new house soon. Are you going to buy your new house in the same district or somewhere else? Write back soon. Keep well. Best regards to your parents and sister.

Best wishes,


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