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21.09.2021 06:31 •  Английский язык

Scared of speaking a new language? by : AriadneBlogger2017
There’s no denying that learning a foreign language is difficult, and when it comes to speaking in the language, it can be extremely daunting. I remember walking into my first-ever Spanish class at university only to discover that half of my class was already fluent in multiple languages. It’s safe to say I felt out of my depth!
At first the thought of speaking in Spanish terrified me; not only were my vocabulary and grammar very limited, but I had never spoken another language before. Despite my initial apprehension I was determined to overcome my fear, and by adopting a few simple strategies I have been able to build my confidence and develop at my own pace. So, I thought I would share a few tips with you in the hope that you find them useful too.
Firstly, remember it is OK to make mistakes and that you should embrace them. This sounds obvious, but when it comes to language learning we often aim for perfection and feel as though we are not ready to speak until we have ‘enough’ words or grammatical knowledge. The truth is you will never feel ready, and instead it is important to use the knowledge that you do have to communicate what you can.
This leads on to my next tip: don’t compare yourself to others. This can be a hard one, especially if you are in a large language class. It is important to remember that we all learn at different speeds and through different styles of learning. By all means, keep up with your class material, but do not stress if you don’t understand everything – especially in the early stages.
Something that really helped me progress was finding a patient language exchange partner. Finding someone to practice with whose level of English was similar to my level of Spanish made me feel much more confident.
Lastly, celebrate the small successes and remember how far you have come! Instead of focusing on how far you have to go, focus on the progress you have already made and be proud of your achievements!
Task 1. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F) and justify your answer with the evidence from the text.
1. Few people believe that learning a foreign language can be challenging. T / F

2. The majority of students in the author’s class had a good command of several languages. T /F

3. Before learning to speak Spanish, the author hadn’t spoken other foreign languages. T /F

4. There’s nothing wrong to make mistakes when learning a new language. T / F

5. The author thinks that you may start speaking the foreign language once you succeed in learning enough vocabulary and making your grammar perfect. T / F

Task 2. Answer the questions below. Do not copy from the text. Paraphrase.
1. Why was the author scared about speaking in Spanish at first?

2. According to the author, why do people learn languages differently?

3. Did the author cope with his fear of speaking in Spanish? Give one specific evidence from the text.
Task 3. Classify the conjunctions in bold and italic from the text with their types.

And, but, if, so, as though, or,so, not only…but.

Coordinating conjunctions: bring ideas together.

Subordinating conjunctions: connect an independent clause to a dependent clause.

Correlative conjunctions: come in pairs; connect two equal grammatical items

Task 4 Describe the picture Choose one of these
“The Persistence of Memory” (1931) by Salvador Dali; learners B – “The Two Fridas” (1939) by Frida Kahlo.
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03.12.2020 17:37
I’d like … chicken sandwich and … glass of … mineral water. (Я бы хотел сэндвич с курицей и стакан минеральной воды.)Would you like … banana or … strawberries? (Ты хочешь банан или клубнику?)She always has … apple, … toast and … cup of … coffee for … breakfast. (Она всегда съедает яблоко, тост и пьет чашку кофе на завтрак.)The fly is on … ceiling in … kitchen. (Муха – на потолке на кухне.)My mother is … accountant and my father is … lawyer. They work in … same company in … centre of … our town. (Моя мама – бухгалтер, а папа – юрист. Они работают в одной компании в центре нашего города.)How much are … her Italian lessons? – Ten dollars … hour. (Сколько стоят ее занятия по итальянскому языку? – Десять долларов в час.)Where are … dogs? – They are in … garden. (Где собаки? – Они в саду.)… cats like eating … fish.  … cows like eating … grass.  … birds like eating … insects. (Кошки любят есть рыбу. Коровы любят есть траву. Птицы любят есть насекомых.)My favourite subjects are … chemistry and … biology. (Мои любимые предметы – химия и биология.)There is … parrot in … cage. And there are … pieces of … fruit in it. (В клетке попугай. И в ней есть кусочки фруктов.)My granny lives in … small village in … country. (Моя бабушка живет в маленькой деревушке в сельской местности.)Your baby shouldn’t sit in … sun on … hot day. (Вашему малышу не следует сидеть на солнце в жаркий день откройте книгу. Упражнение находится на странице 68.)Ann has been looking for … job for … long time. (Аня ищет работу долгое время.)What’s … matter? - I missed … 6 o’clock train. (Что случилось? – Я не успел на 6-часовой поезд.)Do you like … vegetables? (Ты любишь овощи?)… mother has got … terrible headache today. (У мамы сегодня ужасная головная боль.)There were … tears in … her eyes. (В ее глазах были слезы.)She is … very nice woman but her sons are … bad boys. (Она очень хорошая женщина, но ее сыновья – плохие парни.)Look at … woman. She is … neighbor I told you about. (Посмотри на женщину. Это соседка, о которой я тебе говорил.)3. Поставьте артикли a/an или the, где необходимо.Yesterday I bought … pair of … shoes. Unfortunately … shoes are too tight. (Вчера я купила пару туфель. К сожалению, туфли слишком узкие.)We had … dinner in … restaurant … last night. – What is … name of … restaurant? (Вчера ночью мы ужинали в ресторане. – Как называется 
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08.03.2022 16:42
- Look! Now we have a big house. We have four bedrooms, a dining room, a living room and a kitchen. Ally and I have our own rooms.
- The house is really big! (1) Have you bought any new furniture?
- Yes, our parents (2) have already bought this beautiful dining table. Today we will have dinner together here and mum (3) has already sewn new curtains.
Oh, the room is really beautiful. Can you show me my room?
- Of course, we can. It is next to my room. Mum (4) has just redecorated it
- (5) Has she put a new carpet on the floor? 
- Yes, she has. And she (6) has made this lamp.
-It is very cosy here.
(7) Have you seen the flowers in the garden?
- Yes, I have. (8) Do you help your Dad with the flowers?
- Yes, I do. I always help him in the garden. We (9) have planted these flowers together.
- Good girl !
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