Say the same in a different way.
Example: What ...! How ...!
What a difficult job (it is)! How difficult the job in
What ...!
How ...!
1) How dangerous this place is!
2) ..
2) What fresh air!
3) What beautiful valleye!
3) ...
4) How powerful the king is!
5) How cute the babies are!
5) ..
6) What slow animals!
7) How rich this area is!
8) What funny monkeys!
9) How fast the rabbits are!
10) What tasty chocolate!
10) ...
• Task:
You have met your friends on the first of September. Ask them how they spent their summer holidays.
• Goal of the task:
We must ask our friends how they spent their summer holidays.
『 . -+= Hello, fiognostovak! =+- . 』
• Response Explanation:
Me: — Oh, hello, my dear friends! I am very happy to see you again! How did you spend your summer, while I was away from you? I’m just fine! ...
• Class: 1 and higher classes.
• Subject: English.
• Topic: «Learning to write dialogues».
『 . -+= Yours sincerely, Grace Miller! =+- . 』