Houses on the weekend I always tidy my room. First I carefully laid out to places all things: navozhu order on his desk, puts on the shelves of the book, put away in drawers and cabinets games, magazines, pencils and markers. When every thing is back to his place, once it becomes clear how much dust has accumulated on the table this week, shelves, closet. It's time to take up the cloth and go through all the nooks where dirt can hide. At this time, I see myself as a spy, who was ordered to expose the hiding place of the enemy. Once all the "enemies" are disclosed and disarmed, I run behind the old vacuum cleaner buzzing, and we along with it thoroughly clean the carpet, all the corners and the space under the bed and wardrobes. Vacuums fairly hums - it is nice to eat. But noisy assistant goes to the corner for a deserved rest, and in the doorway there is a silver bucket of water and head master of purity - a doormat. A few minutes later my room glitters and sparkles. Left vytrusit dust vacuum cleaner bag, pour the dirty water, and put everything in its place. Cleaning is finished!
Today it is difficult to imagine our world without telecommunications. Because sometimes you want to come after a long day, lie down on the couch near the TV and watch your favorite show or favorite TV show. But has anyone wondered who invented television? Under what circumstances was it? And when exactly happened? Let's immerse yourself in the history of this "miracle technology". In fact, quite difficult to understand who invented the first TV. Many scientists took part in it. And even decades it took to invent it. Let's try to start from the beginning. That light affects electricity (the photoelectric effect), was first discovered by Heinrich Hertz (German physicist) in 1887. It is painted in detail their observations, but could not clearly explain this phenomenon. Alexander Stoletov in February 1888 was able to find some regularities of the photoelectric effect. He also developed the "electric eye" - a prototype of solar cells. In the future this phenomenon was trying to explain to many scientists, but only one of them managed to fully explain the nature of the photoelectric effect. It was Einstein (1905). At the same time there were important events that are directly associated with the advent of television and television in General. For example, the English physicist sir William Crookes in 1879 created the phosphors (substances that glow when exposed to cathode rays). And in 1887 the German physicist Karl Braun presented the initial version of the CRT (Catode-ray tube). Scientist from France - Maurice LeBlanc and a scholar of the America - E. Sawyer, independently of other established the main principle of the television. According to this principle, in order to transmit the image requires a quick frame-by-frame scanning, which in the future will be transformed into an electrical signal. Well, the question of the transfer of the electrical signal was dropped by itself, because at the time, Popov has already created a radio. Boris Rosing in 1907, was able to prove how we obtained the image through the tube brown. Vladimir Zworykin, being a Russian immigrant, in 1933 in the United States demonstrated the iconoscope ( transmitting electron tube). So, Vladimir Zworykin, we believe the "father" of modern television. And the first electronic TV was developed in American research laboratories, which was headed by Zworykin. Later, in 1939, the same laboratory demonstrated the television for mass production.