1.. He WEARS trainers and a tracksuit every Sports lesson. (Present Simple)
2. We ARE COOKING at the kitchen now. (Present Continuous)
3. They often DRINK tea every evening. (Present Simple)
4. Now the weather is cold, PUT ON your jacket. (Present Simple)
5. Where are your brother? He IS RUNNING now. (Present Continuous)
6. Her children JUMP every day. (Present Simple)
7. I AM SWIMMING with my friends now. (Present Continuous)
8. He always READS interesting stories his children in the evening. (Present Simple)
Если действие повторяется (every day, every evening и тд.) - используем Present Simple Простое настоящее
Если действие происходит сейчас (now) - используем Present Continuous (Progressive) настоящее продолженное
1.. He WEARS trainers and a tracksuit every Sports lesson. (Present Simple)
2. We ARE COOKING at the kitchen now. (Present Continuous)
3. They often DRINK tea every evening. (Present Simple)
4. Now the weather is cold, PUT ON your jacket. (Present Simple)
5. Where are your brother? He IS RUNNING now. (Present Continuous)
6. Her children JUMP every day. (Present Simple)
7. I AM SWIMMING with my friends now. (Present Continuous)
8. He always READS interesting stories his children in the evening. (Present Simple)
Если действие повторяется (every day, every evening и тд.) - используем Present Simple Простое настоящее
Если действие происходит сейчас (now) - используем Present Continuous (Progressive) настоящее продолженное
Holidayresort- курорт
To get a suntan- загорать
To go on excursions- ходить на экскурсии
To visit museums- посещать музеи
To go sightseeing- осматривать достопримечательности
To line on the beach- лежать на пляже
To hire a car- брать машину на прокат
To go to a disco- ходить на дискотеку
To go to a night club- ходить в ночной клуб
To play pool- играть в бильярд
To go to the zoo- ходить в зоопарк
To go to the park- ходить в парк
To go to the circus- ходить в цирк
To go to a concert- ходить на концерт
To go to the ballet- ходить на балет
To play bingo- играть в лото
To go jogging- бегать трусцой
To hike- путешествовать пешком
To paint- рисовать красками
To do gardening- заниматься садоводством
To swim in the pool- плавать в бассейне
To knit- вязать
To play musical instruments- играть на музыкальных инструментах
Leisure/spare time- свободное время
To collect stamps/coins- коллекционировать марки, монеты
To sew- шить
To embroider- вышивать
To buy some souvenirs- покупать сувениры