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29.04.2020 21:02 •  Английский язык

с Английским нужно перевести
People know that reading books develops children's intellect.

They consider her to be a talented pianist.

They believe Mr. Richardson will be leaving tomorrow.

They understand that the problem has been solved.

They say our quarantine will be over by the end of April.

They fear that the next train is late.

People say marriages are made in heaven.

They report that the delegation will arrive tomorrow.
They hope the exams will be over sooner than July 31.

They consider baseball to be a national American sport.

They feel that some important events are coming.

They know that Richard is the best singer in town.

Full name:

They expected the 9th graders to start their state exams at the end of May.

They agreed to begin the meeting at 5 pm

People believe that the climate on our planet is changing.

They report that the weather in the eastern states has radically changed.

They declared that the talks have turned out to be very useful.

They hope that the humanity is getting wiser.

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11.09.2020 10:11
I think that a family is a very important thing for everybody. A family is the people that always love you, support you and help you. For me it is impossible to live without my family. My family is not large. I have got a mother, a father and a brother Dima. There are four of us in the family. We also have grandparents and a lot of relatives.

First of I’d like to say a few words about my parents. My mother is a good-looking woman with blond hair. She is forty-two but she looks much younger. She is a teacher of Russian. She works in a school. She likes her job very much. My mother keeps the house and takes care of my father and us. She is very good at cooking. She always cooks very delicious meals. Our mother is very kind, but sometimes he is strict to us. She always checks if our homework is done. Mother takes care of our free time, so that we are not able to waste our time.

My father is a lawyer. He is forty-five. He is a professional. My father does his work very well and gets good money. He is also handy with many things. He can fix almost everything. He also likes making models of planes. My parents have been married for 20 years already. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, and films. For example my father likes thrillers and my mother likes adventure films and fantasy. My father is fond of football and chess. My mother likes playing ping pong. My parents work a lot.

My younger brother, Dima, is a student of the same school. He wants to become a lawyer, like our father. Besides he is playing table tennis like our mother. He studies well. On the one hand, Dima loves constructing and can become an aircraft designer, on the other hand he is very good at languages and can become an interpreter. My grandmother and my grandfather are pensioners. They live not far from us. Sometimes our granny helps us to run the house. She is fond of knitting. My grandfather is a military man and he reads a lot! The library that we have at our flat is the tenth part of all the books that granddad has at his place.

As for me, I’d like to become a computer programmer. I have always loved computer science. I can make some computer programmes and I also can play the guitar very well. I like different kinds of music, but mostly I prefer rock.

We all get on with each other very well. Every one in our family is rather busy, but we are always very happy if we have a possibility to spend some time together. My family means a lot to me.
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07.08.2021 06:43

Букингемский дворец

Одним из немногих в современном мире действующих королевских дворцов является Букингемский дворец. Это официальная резиденция Ее Величества королевы в Лондоне. Площадь дворца с садом составляет около 20 га, здесь есть свое отделение полиции, два почтовых офиса, госпиталь, бассейн, бар — по сути дела, это целый город.


В Вестминстерском дворце проходят заседания палаты лордов и палаты общин, в многокилометровых коридорах дворца легко потерять нужное направление, но самая знаменитая часть дворца — башня с часами — известна, без преувеличения сказать, всему миру и является одним из самых ярких архитектурных символом города.

Британский музей в Лондоне

Британский музей — центральный историко-археологический музей Великобритании и один из крупнейших музеев мира. Он был основан в 1753 году с разрешения британского парламента. Его экспозиция занимает 94 галереи, общая протяжённость которых составляет 4 км.

Лондонский глаз

«Лондонский глаз» — колесо обозрения, построенное в столице Англии к празднованию миллениума. Второе название этого аттракциона — «Колесо Тысячелетия». К моменту постройки «Лондонский глаз» был самым высоким колесом обозрения во всём мире. Его высота составляет 135 метров от основания.

Buckingham Palace

One of the few operating royal palaces in the modern world is Buckingham Palace. This is the official residence of Her Majesty the Queen in London. The area of ​​the palace with a garden is about 20 hectares, it has its own police station, two post offices, a hospital, a pool, a bar - in fact, this is a whole city.

Big Ben

The House of Lords and the House of Commons are held in the Palace of Westminster, in the many kilometers long corridors of the palace it is easy to lose the direction you need, but the most famous part of the palace - the clock tower - is known without exaggeration to say to the whole world and is one of the most striking architectural symbol of the city.

British Museum in London

The British Museum is the central historical and archaeological museum of Great Britain and one of the largest museums in the world. It was founded in 1753 with the permission of the British Parliament. Its exposition occupies 94 galleries, the total length of which is 4 km.

London eye

The London Eye is a Ferris wheel built in the capital of England to celebrate the Millennium. The second name of this attraction is “Millennium Wheel”. At the time of construction, the London Eye was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. Its height is 135 meters from the base.

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