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с Английским 2 номера

с Английским 2 номера
с Английским 2 номера

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12.02.2022 03:15

ответ:My favorite hobby is dancing. As far as I can remember, I've always liked to dance. Even when I was little, I always danced, just hearing the music. In kindergarten I really liked to perform at various concerts and festivals. I am often put in the first rows, because I'm a good dancer

In school we also have dance lessons, that is rhythm. Unfortunately, we don't get many, but I like them very much. On the rhythm I teach a variety of dances, polka, Mazurka, cha-cha-cha, Sambo, and, of course, the waltz.

Each dance is very interesting, has its own characteristics, because different dances originated in different countries. For example, polka and Mazurka came from Poland, and the waltz is a traditional Austrian dance. Many dances have come to us from Latin America, which is world famous for its dance festivals and parades. 

Most of all I like the waltz and tango. The waltz must know all, it seems to me. At the end of each school year, each class performs their dance at the school festival. This is a very beautiful and fun festival. All come in elegant, beautiful and well-groomed. Girls wear very pretty dresses.

I love to perform at the festival. I like to dance in front of an audience. And I think I have it pretty good.  


Мое любимое хобби – это танцы. Насколько я себя помню, мне всегда нравилось танцевать. Даже когда я была маленькой, я всегда танцевала, только услышав музыку. В детском саду мне очень нравилось выступать на различных концертах и празднествах. Меня часто ставили в первые ряды, потому, что я хорошо танцую       В школе у нас тоже есть уроки танцев, то есть ритмика. К сожалению, у нас их немного, но мне они очень нравятся. На ритмике мы разучиваем самые различные танцы, польку, мазурку, ча-ча-ча, самбо и, конечно же, вальс.       Каждый танец очень интересные, имеет свои особенности, так как разные танцы зародились в разных странах. К примеру, полька и мазурка пришли из Польши, а вальс – это традиционно австрийский танец. Очень многие танцы пришли к нам из Латинской Америки, которая знаменита на весь мир своими танцевальными фестивалями и парадами.        Больше всего мне нравится вальс и танго. Вальс обязаны знать все, мне кажется. В конце каждого учебного года каждый класс выступает со своими танцами на школьном фестивале. Это очень красивый и веселый фестиваль. Все приходят нарядными, красивыми, ухоженными. Девочки одевают очень красивые платья.       Я очень люблю выступать на фестивале. Мне нравится танцевать перед публикой. И, думаю, у меня это неплохо получается

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13.12.2020 14:48

1.The abdomen does not contain the lugs. В брюшной полости нет легких. (скорее всего ошибка в слове lugs, должго быть lungs)  

Does the abdomen contain lungs?

The abdomen contains lungs.

2. The liver does not resemble a gland. Печень не похожа на железу.

Does the liver resemble a gland?

The liver resembles a gland.

3. Did you work at the maternity home last year? Ты работал в роддоме в году?

You worked at the maternity home last year.

You did not work at the maternity home last year.

4. Does the spleen resemble a gland? Похожа ли селезенка на железу  

The spleen resembles a gland.

The spleen does not resemble a gland.

5. An operation is being performed by the surgeon at the moment. Хирург проводит операцию в данный момент.

An operation is not being performed by the surgeon at the moment.

Is an operation being performed by the surgeon at the moment?

6. Injections are being made by the nurse at the moment. Медсестра делает инъекции в данный момент.

Injections are not being made by the nurse at the moment.

Are injections being made by the nurse at the moment?

7. When I came back home yesterday, my parents were watching a TV-programme about new fevers. Когда я вчера приешл домой, мои родители смотрели телепередачу про новую простуду.

When I came back home yesterday, my parents were not watching a TV-programme about new fevers.

Were my parents watching a TV-programme about new fevers, when I came back home yesterday?

8. What you were you doing at 9 o’clock yesterday? I was working in the hospital. Что ты делал вчера в 9 вечера? Я работал в больнице.

What you were you doing at 9 o’clock yesterday? I was not working in the hospital.

Was I working in the hospital?

9. She was making injections to a bed-patient when the medical students came into the ward.Она делала инъекции лежачему больному, в то время как студенты медицинского университета зашли в палату.

She was not making injections to a bed-patient when the medical students came into the ward.

Was she making injections to a bed-patient when the medical students came into the ward?

10. The operation has not been performed by the surgeons since 8 up 9 o’clock yesterday. Хирурги не проводили операцию с 8 до 9 часов вчера.

The operation has been performed by the surgeons since 8 up 9 o’clock yesterday.

Has the operation been performed by the surgeons since 8 up 9 o’clock yesterday?

11. Injections were being done to a bed-patient by the nurse when the medical students came into the ward. Медсестра делала инъекции лежачему больному, в то время как студенты медицинского университета зашли в палату.

Injections were not being done to a bed-patient by the nurse when the medical students came into the ward.

Were the injections being done to a bed-patient by the nurse when the medical students came into the ward?

12.The temperature was being measured by the patient, when the nurse came into the ward. Пациент мерял температуру, когда медсестра зашла в палату.

The temperature was not being measured by the patient, when the nurse came into the ward.

Was the temperature being measured by the patient, when the nurse came into the ward?

13. Tomorrow at 10 o’clock the nurse will take the stitches out. Завтра в 10 часов медсестра снимет швы.

Tomorrow at 10 o’clock the nurse will not take the stitches out.

Will the nurse take the stitches out tomorrow at 10 o’clock.  

14. At this time tomorrow the doctors will be discussing the results of the operation. Завтра в это время доктора будут обсуждать результаты операции.

At this time tomorrow the doctors will not be discussing the results of the operation.

Will the doctors be discussing the results of the operation at this time tomorrow?

15. The stitches will be taken out by the nurse at 10 o’clock tomorrow Завтра в 10 часов медсестра снимет швы.

The stitches will not be taken out by the nurse at 10 o’clock tomorrow?

Will the stitches be taken out by the nurse at 10 o’clock tomorrow?


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