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04.07.2022 05:09 •  Английский язык

с английским

1. There are 15 mistakes in the exercise. Find and correct them. Type your text below.


Two friends went to a trip to London. In London they went into a restaurant for a dinner. On a table stood a jar of a mustard. Not having seeing the mustard before, one of them took big spoonful into his mouth. The tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he crying about. “I am crying at a thought of my father who hanged 20 years ago”.
They continued eating and soon the other traveler also took big dose of mustard. When he does so, tears ran down his cheeks too. “What do you cry about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I cry because you was not hanged many years ago with your father”, was the answer.

Прочитати та зробити завдання
People have played games from the ancient Egyptians to the Eskimos and the origins of most sports are lost in time. However, we know when and where sports were first organized. The first rules were written down in Britain. When in the 19th century the British sent soldiers, engineers and businessmen across their Empire .the world began to play by British rules.
The Romans brought football to Britain , but the rules of modern football were written in the tavern in London in 1863. The first game ended nil nil. Only 9 years later the first international game was played. The result was nil nil too.How football became the most popular game in the world?
In 1823 a boy William Webb was playing a game of football at his school , Rugby. He picked up the ball and began to run. This was against rules. The boy created a new sport- rugby football. Great story. But it is not true. In fact the rules of rugby were written in 1871. They say, rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen, football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans.
Cricket came from Asia. But they played cricket in England for 700 years. It was so popular that the king thought it was a danger to national security and cricket was banned. The rules date from 1744.
Tennis was popular in monasteries in Europe. Modern tennis became really popular in1875 and the rules were written in1877 to organize the first tournament. The Wimbledon Championship was born!
Scotland is home to the world`s oldest golf courses. The oldest rules were written in Edinburgh in 1744. Even today golfers must behave like gentlemen.
In England in the 17th century teams of one hundred players played hockey. The modern game was born in Eton College in 1860s and in 1890 the rules were agreed on. The British Army brought hockey to India in 1900. Today hockey is a minority sport in England and in India it is a national sport.

Read about the sports and find out when the modern rules were agreed on.
Sport Modern rules
1 Cricket ___1744
2 Golf
3 Football
4 Rugby
5 Tennis
6 Hockey

4. Read the text again and match the sports with sentences 1 – 7.
1 Its popularity is due to another game. __tennis__
2 Fair play is more important in this sport.
3 It was popular in religious communities.
4 A monarch thought it was dangerous for national security.
5 There is a popular myth about the origin of the game.
6 The first official matches didn`t have very good results.
7 Now it is more popular in another country than in England.

5. Find English equivalents in the text.
стародавні єгиптяни (3) the ancient Egyptians

загубилися у часі (4)
солдати, інженери та бізнесмени (4)
за британськими правилами (3)
закінчилась 0-0 (3)
гра для хуліганів (4)
була заборонена (2)
організувати перший турнір (5)
найстаріші у світі майданчики для гольфу (5)
повинні поводитись, як джентльмени (4)
не популярний спорт (3)

Показать ответ
04.06.2023 15:36



I've got some games, console and an MP3 player,  but  my MP3 player is broken.

When we visited USA, we went to the White  House - but we didn't see the President!

My friend has got a snake and a spider. The  snake is green and the spider is black.

I had an apple and an  orange for lunch. The  apple tasted horrible.

I bought a T-shirt and a sweatshirt. I gave the  sweatshirt to my brother.

My dad is an actor. He's doing a show at the  Globe Theatre in London.

I was eating a sandwich in the kitchen when door  opened and a boy walked in.

We had an amazing holiday in the Lake District​

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09.09.2021 02:32

Love! This feeling is given to humanity like a reward. Not everyone can understand and take it. Love is sometimes walking around man, but not everyone can see it. It often comes unexpectedly, gives a nudge for crazy actions. And it can wait for you all life long.

I think that strong and real love is given to man only once, it's easy to lose it and hard to find. Not to be loved doesn't mean not to love. To love is happiness and joy. Love gives us hope and faith in ourselves, helps to get something new and, sometimes, to find a solution of hard problems.

Love is amazing. In my opinion, the most dangerous for a human being, for his soul is not to love. Everyone loves in his own, different, way. All loving people feel that life is changing when they love. To love is the same as to live with the problems, which your beloved has, and care about him. If people have found each other in this enormous world and their thoughts and feelings are the same, this love will be fair and pleasant for both.

There is no lighter feeling than love. It makes the soul full of warmth and happiness. It helps to fly and forces to give bliss to your beloved.

There is no more contradictory feeling than love. It hurts your confidence. It can break the hearts if love dies.

The man who loves is the happiest. He has shipped in a dream. Every moment of his life is full of meaning.The evil, chaos, indifference run away. All, that stays, is a wish to love, breathe, and sing. Love makes man happy. I think that it is impossible to live without love. Life becomes boring without this feeling. If man doesn't love, he doesn't live. Believe me!

Любовь! Это чувство дается человечеству в качестве награды. Не каждый может понять и принять его. Любовь иногда ходить вокруг человека, но не каждый может это заметить. Часто она приходит неожиданно, дает толчок для сумасшедших действий. И она может ждать вас всю жизнь.

Я думаю, что сильная и настоящая любовь дается человеку только один раз, ее легко потерять и ее трудно найти. Не быть любимым не означает не любить. Любить – это счастье и радость. Любовь дает нам надежду и веру в себя получить что-то новое и иногда найти решение трудных задач.

Любовь это удивительно. На мой взгляд, самое опасное для человека, для его души — не любить. Каждый любит по-своему, своим Все любящие люди чувствуют, что жизнь меняется, когда они любят. Любить значит жить с проблемами, с которыми живет ваш любимый человек, и заботиться о нем. Если люди нашли друг друга в этом огромном мире, и их мысли и чувства похожи, то эта любовь будет ясной и приятным для обоих.

Нет светлее чувства, чем любовь. Она наполняет душу теплом и счастьем. Она позволяет летать и дарить блаженство своим любимым.

Нет более противоречивого чувства, чем любовь. Она разрушает вашу самоуверенность. Она может разбить сердце, если умрет.

Человек, который любит самый счастливый. Он погружается в мечты. Каждый момент его жизнь наполняется смыслом. Зло, хаос, равнодушие исчезают. Все, что остается, это желание любить, дышать и петь. Любовь делает человека счастливым. Я думаю, что невозможно жить без любви. Жизнь становится скучной без этого чувства. Если человек не любит, он не живет. Поверьте!

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