с английским
1. I meet /’m meeting the careers officer at ten o’clock the morning to talk about jobs.
2. The sun doesn’t come up / isn’t coming up until 7 am during the winter months.
3. Tammy generally reads / is reading all the newspapers. She says ir will help her with a career in journalism.
4. The train into London leaves / is leaving at 15 minutes past the hour until ten o'clock in the evening.
5. Jeremy is putting / puts his dogs in a kennel while he is away next month
6. Zoo-keepers aren’t earing / don’t earn a lot of money, but their work is very satisfying.
7. I’m thinking of finding another job because I’m not liking / don’t like my boss.
1 meet
2 doesn't come up
3 generally reads
4 leaves
5 puts
6 don't earn
7 don't like