С! 1 a commodity is generally acceptable in exchange money. of at on with in for into to 2 the direct exchange of goods goods would raise all sorts of problems. of in at to on with into for 3 mr smith runs his own one-man business. he is employment employers self-employed employees 4
‘oka’ used to be the most car in europe. economize economics economy economist economical economic 5 the fridge did not work well and was sent back to the manufactured manufacture manufacturer 6 he works for a company that car parts. manufactures manufacturer manufacturing manufactured 7
he is solely responsible the success of the business. for into on of with in at to 8 a country does not get rich by importing goods. produce economics manufactured manufacture 9 the stores have to for customers in the christmas season. competition competitive compete competitor 10 the
economic system of a country is usually called the national economist economically economical economy economics economize 11 considerable progress has been and we hope to suggest some concrete proposals to our members tomorrow afternoon. took made make done 12 shares can only be sold privately
and are not available the general public, and a private company can impose restrictions share transfer. at, with on, in for, of to, upon 13 the factory an incredible 100 cars per hour. produces production producer productive products productivity 14 last year they sold twice as many
computers as their competitive compete competitor competition 15 when you own a company, you are personally interested in running it efficiency efficiently efficient 16 when their business is entrepreneurs earn profits. unsuccessful successful succeed 17 the franchisee is provided a
total package for marketing the product. at in into on of to with for 18 he was dismissed giving away trade secrets. with to for by 19 the great majority of companies fewer than 500 people. self-employed employ employer employment 20 almost every society’s economy is based coins and
paper notes. of on at in into for with to 21 the system of a country is usually called the national economy. economical economist economics economy economize economic 22 germany, great britain and france are advanced countries. economy economical economize economically economist economics 23
who is responsible dealing with complaints? in for with at 24 when goods are supplied credit, the buyer has immediate use of them. at in on into to with of for 25 we can exchange two weeks’ labour a holiday abroad. into with for at in to on of 26 centrally-planned economies are generally
associated communist governments. in for of with to at into on 27 she was the first woman to politics. successful success succeed 28 there are a number of reasons the existence of government involvement business and industrial activities. выберите один ответ. in, on for, at with, of to,
into for, in 29 average for skilled workers are rising. earner earnings earns 30 : 1 the need to choose is imposed people by their income and wealth. for on in into to at of with 31 marx and keynes are two famous economic economists economy economical economize economics 32 the democratic
countries expect their citizens to participate governing the country. in with of on at to for 33 i’ve applied the position of sales manager. for to about as 34 australia is the world’s main of wool. production products producer produces productivity productive 35 people resources at
an alarming rate. consume consumes consumer consumption 36 as a nation, our of junk food is horrifying. consumer consumed consumption consume 37 the process of changing raw materials into finished goods is called manufactures manufacturing manufactured manufacturer 38 the covering
letter wasn’t attached the cv. with to by from 39 the price of goods and service depends its demand and supply. for in to of into on at with 40 procterandgamble sells various including shampoos, batteries and drugs. production productive products productivity producer produces
Они замечательно бегали,прыгали,плавали,занимались греблей и играли в другие игры. Они часто занимали места в соревнованиях и всегда выигрывали. Все игроки Джона были высокими стройными спортсменами и просто хорошими людьми. Команда колледжа была лучшей. Регулярные тренировки,соблюдение диеты и большое количество упражнений очень важны для спортсменов. Они всегда принимают во внимание советы тренера и показывают хорошие результаты во всех конкурсах и матчах. Они почти никогда не проигрывают или заканчивают вничью. Она практически всегда выигрывают.
И только неприятностью для многих из его футболистов была недостаточная осведомлённость по многим школьным предметам. У спортсменов часто не хватало знаний по математике,английскому и учиться для них было тоже нелегко.
Однажды тренер привёл молодого футболиста к профессору этого колледжа. Профессор должен был спросить несколько вопросов у юного игрока. Профессор выбрал очень лёгкие вопросы,однако мальчик не мог ответить на них. В конце концов профессор спросил:"А сколько же будет пять раз по пять?"
Студент долго думал и наконец ответил:"26". Профессор взглянул на тренера. "Это невозможно!",сказал он." Я не хочу наказывать вашу команду. Я понимаю,что он может очень хорошо играть в футбол,но плохо знать математику. Он не может быть студентом."
Но тренер серьёзно сказал:"О,сэр Позвольте ему стать студентом! Он была неправ лишь дважды!"
1) When I meet my friends, we usually talk about playing games.
2) I never forget to thank my parents for giving me pocket money.
3) I've been thinking of bying a new phone for a rather long time.
4) I've never dreamt of going to China in my life.
5) My sister often complains of being ignored.
6) Once I tried to stop my friend from eating too much pizza.
7) I don't often complain of studying at my school.
8) Nobody can keep me from listening to my favourite music.
9) I'll never forget how once I had to apologize for breaking a plate in the school canteen.
10) Only hurricane can keep me from leaving home.