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Robert koch is a prominent german bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology. he was born in 1843, died 1910. when koch became a doctor he carried on many experiments on mice in a small laboratory. in 1882 koch discovered tuberculosis bacilli. in his report made in the berlin physiological society koch described in detail the morphology of tuberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. due to his discovery koch became known all over the world. in 1884 koch published his book on cholera. this book included the inverstigations of his research work carried out during the cholera epidemic in egypt and india. from the intestines of the men with cholera koch isolated a small comma-shaped bacterium. he determined that these bacteria spread through drinking water. in 1905 koch got the nobel prize for his important scientific discoveries.
роберт кох — бактериолог, основатель современной микробиологии. он родился в 1843 году, умер в 1910. когда кох стал доктором он нес на многие эксперименты на мышах в небольшой лаборатории. в 1882 году кох открыл микобактерий туберкулеза. в своем докладе в берлине общества кох подробно морфология микобактерий туберкулеза и их раскрывать. из-за его открытие кох стал известен всему миру. в 1884 году кох опубликовал свою книгу на холеру. эта книга включает inverstigations его исследовательской работы, проведенной во время эпидемии холеры в египте и индии. из кишечника мужчин с холерой кох изолированные небольшие запятая образный бактерии. он определил, что эти бактерии распространяются через питьевую воду. в 1905 году кох получил нобелевскую премию для его важных научных открытий. 1)выписать предложения в страдательным залоге. 2) выписать все причастия настоящего и времени. 3) выписать все прилагательные. 4) определить видео-временную форму глаголов в 1и 2 предложении. 5) when was robert koch born?
what did the carry his experiments on?
what did the discover in 1882?

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12.12.2022 06:05

I would like to tell about Karlsson, my favourite character from a famous book written by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. Karlsson is a short, stout, overconfident man, who lives in a small house on the roof of an ordinary apartment building.  

Karlsson has a button on his belly. When he presses this button, it activates a little propeller on his back. Thanks to this he can fly.

Karlsson made friends with Lillebror, a little boy who lived in one of the flats. His parents love him very much, however Lillebror often feels lonely. Karlsson and Lillebror became best friends.

We don't know how old Karlsson is, but his jokes and games seem to be very funny for little children. Karlsson is very imaginative. A lot of ideas cross his mind all the time. He knows how to entertain the little boy.

Karlsson is a real expert when it comes to playing a trick. Despite all this, I would say that Karlsson is a positive character. He supports Lillebror, he is always there when the boy needs him, he listens to him and helps him a lot.


Я бы хотел рассказать о Карлсоне – моем любимом герое из знаменитой книги, написанной шведской писательницей Астрид Линдгрен.

Карлсон – маленький, толстенький и очень самоуверенный человечек, который живет в небольшом домике на крыше обычного многоквартирного дома.

У Карлсона на животе есть кнопка. Когда он нажимает на эту кнопку, у него на спине начинает работать маленький пропеллер. Благодаря этому он может летать.

Карлсон подружился с Малышом – маленьким мальчиком, который жил в одной из квартир. Его родители очень любят его, однако Малыш часто чувствует себя одиноким. Карлсон и Малыш стали лучшими друзьями.

Мы не знаем, сколько лет Карлсону, но его шутки и игры кажутся очень смешными для маленьких детей. У Карлсона очень богатое воображение. У него в голове всегда много идей. Он знает, как развлечь маленького мальчика.

Когда дело доходит до проделок, Карлсон – настоящий эксперт. Несмотря на все это, я бы сказал, что Карлсон положительный герой. Он поддерживает Малыша, он всегда рядом, когда мальчик нуждается в нем, он выслушивает его и во многом

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20.08.2020 16:57

Kazakh national clothes have significant history. They reflect the national experience. Throughout the centuries, Kazakh national clothes were distinguished by simplicity and rationality. Costumes were decorated with jewelry, embroidery and ornaments. Traditional materials were leather, fur and thin felt.

In the 18th century, the top trousers or shalbar were sewn from homespun camel hair fabric and skin. They bore embroidered silk patterns in different designs, the ends quite often sheathed by an ornate band, lace, and edged with fur. Men and women used it as an everyday cloth. Women wore it under “koylek”.

One of the main Kazakh clothing is the shapan or chapan — a spacious long dressing gown. These robes are not as gender specific as other clothes, and both men and women commonly wear them. Shapan is sewn from various fabrics and colors although most often in the main monochrome or dark colors. These are lined with a layer of wool or cotton wool. Festive shapan is sewn from velvet, decorated with applications and gold embroidery. Such a dressing gown was part of the clothing of rich Kazakhs.

Ton is a common winter clothing for the Kazakhs. Often, but not always, made of sheepskin, they can also be made from raccoon skin ("Janat ishik") or silver foxes ("kara tulki”). Nobles wore a fur coat that was made from blue cloth and covered and trimmed with the beaver skin called a “kok ton." Tons are often made by sewing together tanned sheepskins with wool on the inside, and wealthy Kazakhs wear tons made from the skins of four- to five-month-old lambs.It is one kind of spring and autumn male headdress. Boryk — the oldest word, comes from the word "bora" — a wolf. The wolf is an ancient totem of the Turkic tribes. Headdress is always trimmed with otter fur, sable, lambskin.Takiya — is headdress, one of the elements of the Kazakh national costume. The skullcap is a light summer cap made mostly of the velvet. They were lined with fur, decorated with silver and gold braid. Commonly, young man wore tyubeteyka.

National clothes of Kazakh womenWomen wear a shirt-like garment known as a koylek. Different fabrics are used for various purposes, with more expensive fabrics for festival wear, and common fabrics for everyday use. The dress is made by folding an integral piece of fabric in half and sewing the sides laterally from the armpits to the bottom hem.

A kupe is a warm women's clothing typically made of fox fur, though it may occasionally be made from goatskin. It was used for the winter and cold weather.Camisole — easy swinging clothes, sewn on a figure with expanding bottoms. A camisole without sleeves was called “feminine kemzal”, with sleeves — “zhendi kemzal” or “sholak zhen kemzal”. Young girls wore camisoles of bright colors. Camisoles were sewn from monochrome dark fabrics and occasionally from striped or motley fabrics. They had a cloth lining often insulated by a thin layer of wool.

Kazakh women's national bridal headwear, which is a high (70 cm) conical hat, is of particular importance. The most expensive of them were evaluated in a hundred selected horses. Saukele was a mandatory part of girl’s dowry, and was prepared long before the girls reached the age of marriage. Bride was supposed to wear a saukele during the wedding ceremony, and then it was worn on holidays for some time after the marriage.In old times men's and women's footwear were also similar, though girls’ boots were often decorated with embroidery and appliqué work. Footwear differed according to seasons. For example, winter boots were tall, broad-shafted, worn over the felt stockings. In addition, there were differences between footwear of older and younger people. Young people often wore boots with high heels (up to 6 - 8 cm), older people – with low heels. Another common type of footwear among Kazakhs was light boots without heels, tight fitting on legs, called ichigi or masi. Leather kebis was worn over them, which was supposed to be put off at the entrance to the house.Different decorations as applications, patches were used on clothing, headwear, and footwear. Coral, pearl, colored glass were used to decorate gold, silver, copper, bronze jewelry of women. Earrings, flat and wrought bracelets, rings had national ornaments as flowers and beautiful patterns. Belts - a compulsory element of both male and female clothing. It was ornamented with embroidery, silver badges were sewn on it. Types of jewelry usually depended on age, social and marital status of those who wore them. Some of them were typical for certain territorial groups.

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