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Rewrite the sentences in direct speech ​

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27.01.2023 00:32

прошедшее неопределенное время употребляется для обозначения действия, которое имело место в прошлом (i was late for my class yesterday.); когда говорящего интересует время совершения действия (when did you learn about it? ); для обозначения действия, которое произошло в ходе другого действия (i burnt my hand when i was cooking dinner.); для обозначения действия, которое произошло позже другого действия в прошлом (when i came to the party alice had already

past simple правильных глаголов образуется при окончания –d/-ed, прибавляемого к основе инфинитива (чаще употребляется окончание –ed; -d прибавляется к основе слова, если основа слова оканчивается на букву –e.

to invite – invited приглашать - пригласил

если глагол оканчивается на букву  y,  перед которой стоит согласная, то буква  y  перед окончанием -ed  меняется на  i.

to try – tried пытаться – пытался

если глагол оканчивается на согласную, которой предшествует краткий гласный, конечная согласная обычно удваивается:

to stop – stopped останавливаться – остановился

past simple неправильных глаголов образуется особо (см. 2 форму неправильных глаголов).

вопросительная и отрицательная формы прошедшего неопределенного времени образуются при глагола  did.

he asked. он спрашивал.

did  he  ask? спрашивал ли он?

he  did  not  ask. он не спрашивал.

формы глагола в past simple. +? -iyouheshe ved / v2itweyoutheyiyouhedid she v? itweyoutheyiyouheshe didn’t v.itweyouthey

образуйте прошедшую форму данных глаголов (проверьте себя по таблице неправильных глаголов).

begin, make, start, write, leave, buy, do, see, visit, travel, come, go, play, drink, clean, give, get up, finish, work, open, know, smile, paint, live.

образуйте от выделенных глаголов прошедшее время:

1) i  play  in the field. 2) he  wants  to go home. 3) the driver  stops  the bus at the stations. 4) he  drinks  tea every day. 5) it  begins  to rain. 6) my sister  cleans  the room. 7) he  sits  at the desk and  writesa letter. 8) mary  comes  earlier. 9) the teacher  gives  us the dictation. 10) the boys  go  for a walk. 11) richard  knows  george quite well.

задайте вопрос к предложению и дайте отрицательный ответ.

1) i spoke to nick yesterday. 2) there was a good programme on tv last monday. 3) he wanted to get up very early. 4) it rained here yesterday. 5) we stayed at our grandmother’s place in the country for two weeks. 6) she had dinner at five. 7) i got a good mark in english.

составьте вопросы из данных слов. помните о порядке слов в предложении.

morning / you / time / get / up/ what / in / the / did? did / train / last / you / by / when / travel? do / what / sunday / you / last/ did? did / summer / go / where / last / you? travel / on / you / how / work / did / to / monday?

образуйте от глаголов, данных в скобках, прошедшее время. переведите текст на язык.

last weekend we (go) to edingburgh by train from london. we (stay) at a hotel in princess street. it (be) cold and windy when we (arrive) in scotland, but the hotel (be) warm and comfortable. on sunday morning, we (get up) at 8 o’clock and (have) a good breakfast. then we (walk) down princess street and (look) at the lovely shops. we (visit) the castle in the afternoon and (enjoy) sitting in the gardens. we (not / go out) in the evening, but we (stay) in the hotel and (talk) to some people from america.

используя текст из предыдущего и слова  get  up;   be;   travel;   stay;   go;   spend;   meet,  составьте 7 вопросов к тексту.

… last week? to edinburgh.… ? by train.… ? cold and windy.…? in a hotel.… on saturday morning? at 8 o’clock.… in the afternoon? at the castle.… in the evening? some american guests.
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22.10.2021 01:21

With its glorious sunny weather, idyllic island life and pristine beaches, it’s no surprise that one of the most popular things to do in Tahiti is – not very much at all! However, between your days spent lazing on the beach sipping cocktails, there are still plenty to of things to do in Tahiti if you’re feeling up to it. Not surprisingly, the most popular Tahiti activities revolve around French Polynesia’s crystal clear water, majestic landscapes and enduring ancient culture however there’s also some great adventure opportunities.

The most famous holiday destination in Tahiti, Bora Bora is renowned for its incredible turquoise lagoons which appear to be neon-lit from below. Unlike anything you’ve ever seen, you simply cannot pass up the opportunity to snorkel the abundance of tropical fish in the Coral Garden or sink into the pure white sand of Matira Beach. Just off Bora Bora reef, you can also enjoy the unique opportunity to dive with lemon sharks. You can also hand-feed sharks and sting rays, visit the trinket shops of Vaitape village and discover the WWII history of Tahiti with a 4WD island safari. No holiday to Bora Bora is complete without visiting Motu Tapu, a private island escape and the most photographed island in the South Pacific.

You can also get up close and personal with the marine life in Moorea with an incredible dolphin encounter in the waters off the InterContinental. The fertile land is home to a number of tropical plantations which are wonderful to explore and taste the sweetest pineapple straight from the plantation. Water activities are also very popular here with snorkelling, diving, jet skiing and canoeing being favourites. Moorea is also home to one of the world’s most consistent surf breaks, Haapiti however if you prefer dry land there are dramatic landscapes and historical sites scattered throughout the lush forest canopy. You can also cycle the island, visit Belvedere, relax at one of the Polynesian spas and visit Papetoai Village, home to an historical and unique octagonal church.

Dining is an activity of its own in Tahiti, everything from Les Roulottes - the fun well-organized food truck scene in Papeete, pizza vans and creperies on the side of the road, local French restaurants, to fine dining at your Resort. A must-do is Poisson Cru, French Polynesia’s national dish, a tasty concoction of fresh raw tuna, marinated in citrus juice and coconut milk and tossed with diced vegetables. Another speciality is the Tahitian mahi mahi fish with vanilla sauce.

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