Rewrite sentences in the passive with full verb forms. Pay attention to the use of modal verbs in passive structures. (Перепиши предложения в пассивном залоге. Обрати внимание на употребление модальных глаголов в пассивных конструкциях.)
Children may take their toys to the class.
Children’s toys
to the class.
1. You cannot study a foreign language in a couple of months.
A foreign language
in a couple of months.
2. Parents must keep medicine in a safe place.
by parents in a safe place.
3. George’s neighbours might scratch his car last night.
George’s car
by his neighbours last night.
4. Pupils had to bring their books to school.
Pupils’ books
to school.
2. Politeness can help to improve the working environment for people in the same office.
3. Job applications are examined and the best candidates are interviewed.
1. Для расторжения контракта требуется письменное уведомление за один месяц (по почте, а не через электронную почту) .
2. Вежливость может улучшить рабочую среду для людей, работающих в одном офисе.
3. Заявления на приём на работу рассматриваются и с лучшими кандидатами проводится собеседование.