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The legal system of the UK
1. Выберите правильный вариант:
The UK does not have a single legal system because …
a) it was created as the political union of independent countries.
b) the UK has no written constitution.
c) the constitution of the UK is uncodified.
d) there is no single constitutional document in the UK.

2. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) Today the UK has three distinct systems of law: English law, Welsh law, and Scottish law.
b) Today the UK has three distinct systems of law: English law, Northern Ireland law, and Scottish law.
c) Today the UK have three distinct systems of law: English law, Northern Ireland law, and Scottish law.
d) Today the UK has three distinct systems of law: English law, Welsh law, and Northern Ireland law.

3. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) Some laws applies in only one, two or three countries.
b) Some laws apply in only one, two or three countries.
c) In GB, all the laws apply throughout the whole of the UK.
d) Some laws can to apply in only one, two or three countries.

4. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) There are three principal sources of British law: statutory law, common law, and regulatory law.
b) There are three principal sources of British law: European Union law, statutory law, and parliamentary constitutional conventions.
c) There are three principal sources of British law: equity law, common law, and parliamentary constitutional conventions.
d) There are three principal sources of British law: statutory law, common law, and parliamentary constitutional conventions.

5. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) Statutory law includes laws that are created by different executive branch agencies.
b) Statutory law includes judicial decisions that can be considered as a precedent.
c) Statutory law includes parliamentary constitutional conventions.
d) Statutory law includes laws that are created by a legislature.

6. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) The most important pieces of legislation in the UK are regulations created by different executive branch agencies.
b) The most important pieces of legislation in the UK are Acts of Parliament.
c) The most important pieces of legislation in the UK are parliamentary constitutional conventions.
d) The most important pieces of legislation in the UK are works of authority.

7. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) In the UK, the principal legislature is the Government.
b) In the UK, the principal legislature is the Queen.
c) In the UK, the principal legislature is Parliament.
d) In the UK, the principal legislature is Lord Chancellor.

8. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) Common law is the set of constitutional documents adopted by the legislature.
b) Common law is the set of judicial decisions that can be considered as a precedent.
c) Common law is the set of regulations created by different executive branch agencies.
d) Common law is the set of works written by constitutional theorists.

9. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) Constitutional conventions are rules that are observed though they are not written down in any legal document.
b) Constitutional conventions are rules that are established in previous legal cases and that are binding on every court when deciding subsequent similar cases.
c) Constitutional conventions are rules that are provided for in the Constitution.
d) Constitutional conventions are rules that are created by different executive branch agencies.

10. Выберите правильный вариант:
a) There are four extra sources of British law: regulatory law, works of authority, common law, and the European Convention on Human Rights.
b) There are four extra sources of British law: regulatory law, works of authority, European Union law, and equity law.
c) There are four extra sources of British law: regulatory law, works of authority, European Union law, and the European Convention on Human Rights.
d) There are four extra sources of British law: public law, works of authority, European Union law, and the European Convention on Human Rights.

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20.05.2021 16:03
to manage (управлять) - manager (менеджер) - management ( управление, менеджмент) - managing (управление)
to produce (производить) - producer (производитель) - production (производство)-producing (производство) 
to plan (планировать) - planner (плановик) - planning (планирование)
to lead (вести,руководить) - leader (лидер) - leading (руководство
to control (контролировать) - controller (контролер) - controlling (контроль)
to accomplish (выполнять) - accomplishment (выполнение) - accomplishable (выполнимый)
to succeed (преуспевать) - success (успех) - successful (успешный) 
to supervise (надзирать) - superviser (руководитель) - supervising (надзор)
to direct (управлять) - director (режиссер) - direction (руководство) 
to employ (нанимать) - employer (наниматель) - employment (наем, занятость) 
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03.07.2020 01:11
На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкDescribing A Person’s AppearanceОписание внешности человекаI have recently met a new friend. Her name is Kate and she studies at the 7th form of our school. I’d like to say a few words about her outer look. She’s got a likeable appearance. Kate is rather tall for her age. Although, we are peers, she is much taller than me. She is neither fat nor thin. I’d say she is of a medium size and well-built. Compared with her, I’m a bit slimmer. Perhaps, it’s because I’ve been attending dance classes from the early childhood. She’s got fiery red hair and green eyes. Her hair is not long. It’s of a shoulder length, but it suits her. Her eyes are big and beautiful. My hair is longer than hers and it’s of a darker shade. I often wear long braids. My eyes are not as big as hers and they are hazel. Her nose is slightly upturned but it doesn’t spoil the overall impression. Besides, she’s a got a kind personality and she smiles a lot. All in all, she is rather attractive. People say the same about me, but I think that she is more beautiful than me, because at the last school beauty contest she won the first prize. I would also like to mention that Kate always tries to look fashionable. She dresses modestly, but with elegance. I like socializing with people like her, because they are not arrogant. At school, most of the time we wear the uniform, which consists of a dark blue skirt, white shirt and a dark blue jacket. But when we go out for a walk or to the cinema, we both wear fancy clothes. My parents like Kate. They say she is a good friend for me.Недавно у меня появилась новая подруга. Ее зовут Катя и она учится в 7 классе нашей школы. Я хотела бы сказать несколько слов о ее внешнем виде. У нее приятная внешность. Катя довольно высокая для своего возраста. Несмотря на то, что мы ровесники, она намного выше меня. Она ни толстая, ни худая. Я бы сказала, она среднего размера и хорошей комплекции. По сравнению с ней, я немного стройнее. Может быть, это потому, что я ходила на танцы с раннего детства. У нее огненно-рыжие волосы и зеленые глаза. Ее волосы не длинные. Они скорее до плеч, но это ей походит. У нее большие и красивые глаза. Мои волосы длиннее, чем ее, и они более темного оттенка. Я часто заплетаю косы. У меня не такие большие глаза, как у нее, и они карие. Ее нос слегка вздернут, но это не портит общего впечатления. Кроме того, она – добрый человек и часто улыбается. В целом, она весьма привлекательна. Люди говорят то же самое обо мне, но я думаю, что она красивее меня, потому что на школьном конкурсе красоты она заняла первое место. Я также хотела бы отметить, что Катя всегда старается выглядеть модно. Она одевается скромно, но со вкусом. Мне нравится общаться с такими людьми, как она, потому что они не высокомерны. В школе мы, как правило, носим униформу, которая состоит из темно-синей юбки, белой рубашки и темно-синего пиджака. Но, когда мы выходим на прогулку или идем в кино, то мы обе одеваемся нарядно. Моим родителям нравится Катя. Они говорят, что она – хороший друг для меня.
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