решить 4 задачи. №1 в лыжней секции 80 учащихся. Среди них 32 девочки. Сколько % учеников секции составляют мальчики и сколько девочки? №2. в сахарной свёкле содержится 18,5 % сахара Сколько сахара содержится в в 38,5 % тонн сахарной свёклы. №3. 60% земли засеяли рожью остальное овсам Какую площадь засеяли рожу и авсом если овсом засели на 14 га меньше чем рожью. №4 товар стоил 100 руб. затем цена снизилась на 5% а потом снизилась еще на 5% сколько стала стоимость товара чень
As for me, there is no matter, how do you do your favourite hobby, it's important, how do you love it.
2. I don't think I can join you because my aunt and uncle will have been staying with
us this weekend.
3. You don't work in class! I`ll phone your mother about this. 4. I will have been watching television from eight o'clock to midnight.
5. When will you repair my bike, Daddy? — I`ll do it tomorrow if I have time.
6. It's so crowded in here. I think, I`ll faint. — I am taking you outside for a while. .
7.1 don't know when the concert is over.
8. If he doesn't come I`ll be upset.
By the end of the summer he will have taught me to work with the computer. Have a good time in Italy! — Thanks. I`ll send you a postcard.
11. I think you will like Nick when you meet him.
12. I`ll cook spaghetti in case you get hungry.
13. I feel terrible. I think I`ll have to go to bed.
14. This is an excellent machine which will give you many years of service.