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09.04.2021 08:17 •  Английский язык

Reading Task 1. Read the dialogue and complete sentences.
Mother: Children, Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit this evening and I need you to help me with some chores. Have you all made your beds?
Children: Yes, Mom. Mother: Tommy, I want you to fill the dishwasher and then wash and dry the big dishes that can't fit in the dishwasher. Tommy: Okay.
Mother: Tracy, I want you to take out the garbage. Then sweep and mop the kitchen floor, okay? Tracy: Sure. I'm excited Grandma and Grandpa are coming.
Mother: And Evan, would you please clean the bathroom?
Evan: Oh Mom, I hate cleaning the toilet.
Mother: Okay, you clean the sink and bathtub, and I'll clean the toilet. But then I would like you to help your Dad clean out the garage. Deal?
Evan: Yeah. Mother: Okay then, let's get started. I'm going out to mow the lawn. Come get me if you need me.
1. Children are coming .
2. The children must clean the house.
3. Tommy has to wash and dry the .
4. Tracy has to sweep and mop the .
5. Evan has to clean the .

Total 5
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1) Which class are you in?
2) What is your favourite subject at school? Why?
3) Who’s your favourite sport hero?
4) Do you believe in superheroes?
5) Do you think people need superheroes?

Total 5

Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. 1. I (watch) TV last night.
2. He (not/play) basketball.
3. Dad (make) a delicious pizza yesterday.
4 They (not/visit) us last weekend.
5. We (see) an excellent fantasy film on TV last night.
Total 5

Total marks: 15 ​

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16.12.2022 22:47
1. Have You (found) the money which you (lost) yesterday? — Yes, I (found) it in the pocket of my coat when I (came) home. 2. The rain (has stopped) but a strong wind is still blowing. 3. We (have never seen) him. We don't even know what he looks like. 4. She (met) them in the Globus theatre last afternoon. 5. How long have you (known) him? — We (met) in 1996, but we (haven't seen) each other since last autumn. 6. He ( has been living) in St. Petersburg for two years. 7. When did he (arrive)? — He (arrived) at 2 o'clock. 8. I can't go with you because I (haven't finished) my lessons yet. 9. He (left) for Canada two years ago and I (haven't seen) him since. 10. Has he (done) everything already? — Yes, he (did) his part of work long ago. 11. When did you (meet) him last? 12. Have you ever (been) to Japan? — Yes, I (was) there the year when there was an earthquake. 13. The discussion has already (begun). Why are you always late? 14. They (haven't met) since they (left) school. 15. The rain (has stopped). Come out, I want to speak with you.
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04.10.2020 19:57
Евгений Плющенко (Евгений Викторович Плющенко , или Евгений Викторович Плющенко родился 3 ноября 1982 года в поселке Солнечный (Хабаровский край , СССР) . Он победитель Зимних Олимпийских игр 2006 года и двукратный серебряный призер в зимних Олимпийских играх в 2002 и 2010 , трехкратный чемпион мира , семикратный чемпион Европы , четырехкратный победитель финалов Гран-При и decyatikratny Чемпион России в мужском одиночном катании .
Заслуженный мастер спорта России, старший лейтенант российской армии . Лауреатом многих государственных наград, включая Орден Дружбы , Орден почета , медаль "За заслуги перед Отечеством » I степени медаль "за укрепление боевого Содружества" ( Министерство обороны ) . Лауреат престижных номинаций .Евгений начал кататься в возрасте четырех лет . Мальчик был каток, чтобы укрепить слабое здоровье . Его первым тренером была Татьяна Скала. Затем он продолжал тренироваться под руководством Михаила Маковеева , который был семь лет выиграл свой первый конкурс - турнир " Хрустальный конек ." Когда Евгению было 11 лет , Дворец спорта в Волгограде был закрыт. Вынужденный выбирать между бросить на коньках или разлученный с семьей , он отправился один в Санкт-Петербурге подготовка группы легендарного Алексея Мишина , который тренирует олимпийского чемпиона Алексея Урманова 1994 и будущий олимпийский чемпион Алексей Ягудин .Евгений столкнулись с трудностями в течение первого года в Санкт Петербурга, за тысячи миль от своих родителей и сестер, живущих в коммунальной квартире , в условиях, непригодных для его молодой возраст. Евгений родители были вынуждены работать сверхурочно, чтобы поддержать сына , и несколько раз поднимали вопрос о его возвращении домой. Но воля и мечты были сильнее. Со временем, у жениной мамы переехала к нему в Петербург , и в моральной и материальной поддержке тренера Алексея Мишина , жизнь начала налаживаться , так что Евгений мог сосредоточиться на тренировках . Плющенко шло быстрыми темпами на международной арене под руководством Мишина. В 1997 году, в возрасте 14 лет он выиграл чемпионат мира среди юниоров в Сеуле (Южная Корея). В следующем 1998 году их было только 15 лет он сенсационно завоевал бронзовую медаль на Чемпионате Мира взрослых , вызывает большой ажиотаж вокруг его имени судьи и комментаторы все говорили о новой "чудо-мальчик".ЭТО БЫЛ ПЕРЕВОД 
Evgeny Plushenko (Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko , or Yevgeny Viktorovich Plyushchenko) was born November 3, 1982 in the village of Sunny (Khabarovsk Krai , USSR) . He's a winner Winter Olympics in 2006 and two-time silver medalist in the Winter Olympics in 2002 and 2010 , three-time world champion , seven-time European champion , four-time winner of the Grand Prix finals and decyatikratny champion Russia in the men's singles skating .
Honored Master of Sports of Russia, a senior lieutenant of the Russian army . Won many state awards, including the Order of Friendship , the Order of Merit , a medal "For merits before Fatherland » I degree medal " For Strengthening Combat Commonwealth" ( Ministry of Defense ) . Winner of prestigious nominations .Eugene started riding at the age of four . Boy was skating to strengthen weak health . His first coach was Tatiana Scala. He then went on to train under the guidance of Michael Makoveeva , which was seven years old won his first competition - Tournament " Crystal Skate ." When Eugene was 11 years old , the Sports Palace in Volgograd was closed. Forced to choose between to quit skating or separated from his family , he went to one in St. Petersburg to train a group of legendary Alexei Mishin , who has coached Olympic champion Alexei Urmanova 1994 and future Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin .Eugene encountered difficulties during the first year in St. Petersburg, is thousands of miles from his parents and sisters, living in a communal apartment , in conditions unsuitable for his young age. Eugene parents were forced to work overtime to support his son , and several times raised the question of his return home. But the will and the dream were stronger. Over time, Zhenya's mom moved in with him to St. Petersburg , and in moral and material support of coach Alexei Mishin , life began to improve , so that Eugene could concentrate on training . Plushenko has progressed rapidly in the international arena under the tutelage Mishin. In 1997, at age 14 he won the World Junior Championships in Seoul (South Korea). The following 1998 only 15 years of age he sensationally won the bronze medal at the World Championships in adults , causing a big hype around his name by judges and commentators all talking about a new "miracle boy ."
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