Reading Read the newspaper article. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 The article is about a stock market crash. Tech International lost value on Monday. 3 Experts believe the current trend will continue.
В Америке 50 соединенных штатов. Население около 200 миллионов. До 1776 года в Америке было много флагов. В Род-Айленд, например, изображался якорь на флаге, в Массачусетс - дерево, Нью-Гэмпшир - корабль. В 1776 году после оглашения декларации о независимости "Звезды и полоски" впервые появились на Американском флаге. 13 полосок представляют собой 13 штатов, которые подписали декларацию о независимости и белые звезды означают число штатов, входящих в целое число союза. Новые штаты вступали в союз и появлялись на флаге 26 раз. Два самых северных штата, Аляска и Гаваи.
1)People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges.
2)I’m sure many people in the world would agree that figure-skating is the most interesting sport to watch. Each time it is on TV, I watch it with pleasure. Since 1908 it is considered to be an Olympic Sport. They say it is a very complicated sport. It’s interesting to see how athletes perform challenging jumps, spins, and other intricate moves. I think that people, who seriously dedicate their lives to figure-skating, are heroes.
1)People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges.
2)I’m sure many people in the world would agree that figure-skating is the most interesting sport to watch. Each time it is on TV, I watch it with pleasure. Since 1908 it is considered to be an Olympic Sport. They say it is a very complicated sport. It’s interesting to see how athletes perform challenging jumps, spins, and other intricate moves. I think that people, who seriously dedicate their lives to figure-skating, are heroes.