Read the text "Isaac Newton"
Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times was born in 1642 in the little village in Lincolnshire, England. His father was a farmer and died before Newton was born. His mother was a clever woman whom he always loved.
After the school, Newton studied mathematics at Cambridge university and received his degree in 1665. Then the university was closed because of the danger of plague and Newton went home for eighteen months. It was most important period in his life when he made his three great discoveries: the discoveries of the differential calculuses, of the nature of white light, and of the law of gravitation. These discoveries are still important for the modern science. Newton had always been interested in the problems of light. Many people saw colours of a rainbow but only Newton showed, by his experiments, that white light consists of these colours.
It is interesting how he discovered the law gravitation. Once, as he sat at the garden, his attention was drawn by the fall of an apple. Many people saw such an usual thing before. But it was Newton who asked himself a question: «Why does that apple fall perpendicularly to the ground? Why doesn’t it go sidewards or upwards?» The answer to this question was the theory of gravitation, discovered by Newton. Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where his monument stands today.
Choose the correct ending:
1. Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times was born in 1642 in the little village in Lincolnshire, (Englang/Spain)
2. Many people saw colours of a rainbow but only Newton showed, by his experiments, that white light consists of (these paints/these colours)
3. Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where his monument stands (today/next)
(2)Read the text "Charlie Chaplin".
Charlie Chaplin was the first and the greatest movie star of all time. He was born in London in 1889 in the family of two music hall performers. His parents taught him to sing and dance, and by the age of seven he was already appearing regularly on the stage. At the age of twenty-four an American producer offered him a film contract. From the very beginning his films were successful, his popularity grew. In 1917 he was paid 1 million dollars for eight movies of 20 minutes without sound.
The absence of sound in the motion pictures of that period may have contributed to Chaplin’s popularity. Since he spoke no language on the screen, people from different countries could easily watch his films.
The most significant factor in Chaplin’s popularity was the character he portrayed on his films. The Little Fellow expressed the joy and sorrow, the dreams and frustrations that everyone experiences in life. Equally important was the fact that Chaplin expressed these things with humor and he made people laugh nearly every second. His best movies are City Lights, Modern Times and The Gold Rush.
Ironically, The Little Fellow was created quite by accident, when the director of the motion picture suggested that Chaplin come up with something that would make the movie funnier. “I thought I would dress in baggy pants, big shoes and derby hat,” Chaplin explained later in his autobiography. “I wanted everything a contradiction: the pant baggy, the coat tight, the hat small, the shoes large.” He wore comical false moustache and one of the most famous characters in his history of motion pictures was born — Charlie Chaplin as The Little Fellow.
Write true, false, doesn’t say:
1. Charlie had a lot of friends.
2. In 1917 he was paid 1 million dollars for eight movies of 20 minutes without sound.
3. The Little Fellow was created quite by accident.
(3)Fill in articles with parts of the day. Put ‘–’ for the zero article.
(Вставь артикли с названиями времени суток. Для нулевого артикля используй знак «–».)
1. It was ... evening.
2. They stayed by the pool all ... day long.
3. The symptoms of the disease change from ... to ... day.
перевод :Пожары, которые происходят в доме, сегодня являются очень серьезной проблемой. В Америке ежегодно происходит более 100 000 домашних пожаров, и многие из них начинаются на кухне. Есть много вещей, которые вы можете сделать, чтобы защитить свой дом от огня. Прежде всего, вам нужно соблюдать несколько правил безопасности. Вы никогда не должны покидать кухню во время приготовления пищи. Это также плохая идея, чтобы носить свободную одежду, когда вы готовите. Всегда держите зону приготовления пищи чистой и не позволяйте детям подходить слишком близко к плите. Также важно знать, что делать, если начнется пожар. Если кастрюля загорится, не бросайте на нее воду! Накройте его одеялом и выключите огонь. Если огонь не погаснет, вызовите пожарную команду. Если в духовке начинается пожар, держите дверцу закрытой и выключите ее. Если вы обжигаетесь, то облейте ожог холодной водой. Наконец, установите дымовую сигнализацию и научитесь ею пользоваться. Кроме того, знайте номер своей пожарной команды наизусть. Лучше перестраховаться, чем потом жалеть.
Объяснение: 1. you must keep your cooking area clean and tidy
2. Children should stay close to the stove if one of the parents cooks on this stove
3. if a fire starts, pour water on it to extinguish it,if you can not extinguish the fire, wet a handkerchief and breathe through it
4. Call the fire brigade, if the fire does not go out immediately leave the building
5. You must have a smoke alarm and know how to use it in case of fire.
last summer I spent with my grandparents. Their cottage is located near the small, quiet and beautiful town of Myshkin on the Volga. The house has six rooms: three downstairs and three upstairs. Grandfather even has his own office, where there are many, many books and a computer. The most interesting place in the house is the attic. There are many things that remind of my childhood. The closest neighbors are very sociable and caring people, they help grandparents when we are not. As a child, I usually spent every summer here, so I have many friends. Near the house there is a huge football field, and last summer we often played soccer. Of course, we went camping, smashed our sticks and slept in sleeping bags. It was great! But not only did I enjoy life, I had to fulfill household chores: I vacuumed the whole house. My friends offered to help repair my room. We used a hose from a vacuum cleaner to whiten it. Beautiful summer! 2.-Anya, I need to talk to you -Oh, what's wrong again? -Look at the mess in the kitchen. Can't you clean up after yourself? -I'm busy, I work on a computer. -Don't forget, you also have crazy duties. I work from morning till night, I shop, cook dinner. - You're right, mom. Five minutes later, I will wash the dishes. -Great! Thank you!