Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Why couldn't people build really tall buildings in the past? 4 Why did people want to build skyscrapers in cities? 2 When could people start building skyscrapers? 3 How did the invention of the elevator change the history of buildings? 5 Why are tall buildings called 'skyscrapers? 6 How fast did the Empire State Building grow? 7 What can you find in the Triumph of Astana in Kazakhstan?
diskette- гибкий магнитный диск,
metal- ?,
processor- центральное устройство компьютера,
scanner- считывающее устройство в информационно-вычислительной системе,
information- сведения, осведомляющие о состоянии чего-нибудь,
data- данные,
microphone- прибор, преобразующий звуковые колебания в
электрические для усиления звучания,
printer- печатающее устройство,
modem- устройство, использующее модуляцию сигналов для передачи цифровых данных через аналоговые сети,
Internet- всемирная система объединенных компьютерных сетей для хранения и передачи информации.
Одним русским словом эти слова не выразишь, поэтому мы и используем иностранные.
1. I will have done it by that time.
2. He will have written a letter by the time she comes.
3. We will have built a new house by the end of the year.
4. Mother won’t have cooked dinner when we come home.
5. Will you have done your homework by seven o'clock?
6. They won’t have arrived by the evening.
7. Why won’t she have come by five o'clock?
8. Who will have taken exam by this time?
9. Will he have read this book by the end of the month?
10. I won't have looked through all the magazines by this time