Hello!We are epresentatives of the school news. The purpose of work: 1. Found out the pupils's opinions of our school. 2. Asked to the teachers about do they liked their work. 3. Show reporter of our school. 4.Tell our opinion of school. Entry: The school - it's not only an educational institution, but also a place to socialize, to learn a lot of interesting information from classmates and find many new friends.Also, at school we get useful information that is useful to us in the future.Today we tell you about our wonderful school.To do this, we took some interviews of students and teachers of our school. Look. Part 2 Accordingly, having analyzed our work, we have seen once again that our school is the best.And only there are such kind and helpful teachers and friendly children.
bodyguard['bɔdɪgad] n. 1) личная охрана; эскорт 2) телохранитель
change[tʃeɪndʒ] 1. n. 1) перемена; изменение; сдвиг; а) перемена обстановки; б) тех. обмен воздуха; 2) замена 3) разнообразие; 4) смена (белья, платья) 5) сдача; мелкие деньги, мелочь; а) мелкие деньги, мелочь;
computer programmer-программист
engineer[ˌendʒɪ'nɪə] 1. n. 1) инженер 2) механик 3) ам. машинист
exchange[ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ] 1. n. 1) обмен; мена
police officer-полицейский
vet -ветеринар
treat- обращаться, обходиться; относиться; обрабатывать, подвергать действию ;лечить
The purpose of work:
1. Found out the pupils's opinions of our school.
2. Asked to the teachers about do they liked their work.
3. Show reporter of our school.
4.Tell our opinion of school.
The school - it's not only an educational institution, but also a place to socialize, to learn a lot of interesting information from classmates and find many new friends.Also, at school we get useful information that is useful to us in the future.Today we tell you about our wonderful school.To do this, we took some interviews of students and teachers of our school.
Part 2
Accordingly, having analyzed our work, we have seen once again that our school is the best.And only there are such kind and helpful teachers and friendly children.